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Fossils  of  Ontario 

Part  2:  Macroinvertebrates  and 

Vertebrates  of  the  Champlain  Sea 

with  a  listing  of  nonmarine  species 

Frances  J.  E.  Wagner 

io  Museum  Life  Sciences  Miscellaneous  Publications 

Digsiti^ed  by  the  Internet  Archive 

iff  2012  with  funding  from 

Royal  Ontario  Museum 


Frances  J.  E.  Wagner        Fossils  of  Ontario 

Part  2: 

and  Vertebrates  of  the 
Champlain  Sea 

with  a  listing  of 
nonmarine  species 




The  Royal  Ontario  Museum  publishes  three  series  in  the  Life  Sciences: 

Contributions:  a  numbered  series  of  original  scientific  publications. 

Occasional  Papers:  a  numbered  series  of  original  scientific  publications,  primarily  short  and  of 

taxonomic  significance. 

Miscellaneous  Publications:  an  unnumbered  series  on  a  variety  of  subjects. 

All  manuscripts  considered  for  publication  are  subject  to  the  scrutiny  and  editorial'policies  of 
the  Life  Sciences  Editorial  Board,  and  to  independent  refereeing  by  two  or  more  persons,  other 
than  Museum  staff,  who  are  authorities  in  the  particular  field  involved. 


Senior  editor:  J.  R.  Tamsitt 

Editor:  D.  R.  Calder 

Editor:  J.  C.  Barlow 

External  editor:  C.  S.  Churcher 

Manuscript  editor:  P.  H.  von  Bitter 

Production  editor:  J.  E.  Hawken 

Frances  J.  E.  Wagner  is  a  palaeontologist  formerly  with  the  Environmental  Marine  Geology 
Subdivision  of  the  Atlantic  Geoscience  Centre,  a  Division  of  the  Geological  Survey  of  Canada 
based  at  Dartmouth,  Nova  Scotia. 

Canadian  Cataloguing  in  Publication  Data 

Main  entry  under  title: 
Fossils  of  Ontario 

(Life  sciences  miscellaneous  publications,  ISSN 


Contents:  v.  1.  The  trilobites  /  Rolf  Ludvigsen  —  v.  2. 

Macroinvertebrates  and  vertebrates  of  the  Champlain 

Sea  /  Frances  J.  E.  Wagner. 

Bibliography:  p. 

ISBN  0-88854-221-6  (v.  1).  -  ISBN  0-88854-295-X  (v.  2) 

1.  Paleontology  —  Ontario.  I.  Ludvigsen,  Rolf.  1944- 
The  trilobites.  II.  Wagner,  Frances  J.  E.,  1927- 
Macroinvertebrates  and  vertebrates  of  the  Champlain 
Sea.  III.  Royal  Ontario  Museum.  IV.  Series. 

QE748.06F67  560.9713  C83-098578-6 

Cover  illustration:  Ophiura  sarsi  Liitken,  impression  in  clay,  p.  36. 

Publication  date:  29  June  1984 

ISBN  0-88854-295-X 

ISSN  0082-5093 

©  The  Royal  Ontario  Museum,  1984 

100  Queen's  Park,  Toronto,  Canada,  M5S  2C6 



Acknowledgements     5 
Introduction     7 

Champlain  Sea  Deposits  in  Ontario     9 
History  of  Champlain  Sea  Studies  in  Ontario 
Champlain  Sea  Fossils      10 
Invertebrata     12 
Porifera     1 2 

Tethya      1 3 
Bryozoa     13 

Porella     13 
Gastropoda     13 

Margarites      1 4 

Velutina      1 5 

Lunatia      1 5 

Natica      1 6 

Neptunea      1 7 

Admete     17 

Cvlichna      17 

P/u'/me     19 

Haminoea      1 9 
Pelecypoda     19 

Nucula      1 9 

Nuculana     23 

Portlandia     23 

Portlandia  sensu  stricto     24 

Portlandia  (Yoldiella)     24 

Mytilus     25 

Thyasira     26 

Axinopsida     26 

/Istarte     26 

Macoma     27 

A/va     27 

Hiatella     28 
Conchostraca     30 

Cyzicus     30 
Cirripedia     30 

Balanus     3 1 

Balanus  sensu  stricto     31 

Balanus  (Chirona)     3 1 
Isopoda     33 

Mesidotea     33 
Asteroidea     33 

Crossaster     33 
Ophiuroidea     34 

Ophiocoma     37 

Ophiura     37 
Polychaeta     37 
Nereis     37 
Serpula     37 
Vertebrata     39 
Chordata     39 
Pisces     39 

Clupeiformes     39 
Mallotus     39 
Osmerus     40 
Gadiformes     40 

Microgadus     40 
Gasterosteiformes     40 

Gasterosteus     42 
Perciformes     42 
Artediellus     42 
Cyclopterus     42 
Mammalia     43 
Cetacea     44 
Delphinapterus     44 
Megaptera     AA 
Balaena     44 
Pinnipedia     44 
Phoca     AA 
Erignathus     Al 
Nonmarine  Species     50 
Insecta     50 
Pisces     50 
Mammalia     50 
Aves     50 
Plantae     51 
Repositories  of  Illustrated  Specimens     53 
Glossary  of  Morphological  Terms     54 
Literature  Cited     59 


I  am  most  grateful  to  T.  E.  Bolton,  Geological  Survey  of  Canada  (GSC),  and  C.  R. 
Harington,  National  Museums  of  Canada,  for  their  efforts  in  procuring  photographs 
that  enabled  me  to  fill  the  gaps  in  my  coverage  of  species'  illustrations.  The 
illustrations,  exclusive  of  sketches,  are  the  work  of  the  photographic  units  of  the  GSC 
and  the  National  Museums  of  Canada  (NMC),  both  in  Ottawa,  and  of  the  Bedford 
Institute  of  Oceanography  (810),  Dartmouth,  Nova  Scotia.  I  am  indebted  to  the  staff 
of  the  drafting  and  illustrations  office  of  the  BIO  for  the  surficial  geology  map  and  for 
the  sketches  of  specimens. 

My  thanks  go  also  to  C.  T.  Schafer,  Atlantic  Geoscience  Centre  (AGC),  and  to 
T.  E.  Bolton,  again,  for  critical  reading  of  the  manuscript. 






— 3 


































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The  last  continental  glaciation  in  North  America,  the  Wisconsinan,  saw  the  major 
part  of  Canada  covered  by  an  extensive  ice  sheet.  In  eastern  Canada  the  weight  of  the 
ice  depressed  the  surface  of  the  land  by  at  least  several  hundred  metres,  and  with  the 
retreat  of  the  glaciers,  marine  waters  flowed  inland  to  cover  much  of  the  Ottawa-St. 
Lawrence  Lowland.  The  part  of  this  marine  inundation  lying  west  of  Quebec  City  has 
been  named  the  Champlain  Sea.  In  eastern  Ontario  dated  marine  sediments  indicate 
that  the  waters  of  this  sea  extended  up  the  Ottawa  Valley  to  the  vicinity  of 
Rapides-des-Joachims,  about  65  km  upriver  from  Pembroke,  and  west  at  least  as  far 
as  Brockville  in  the  St.  Lawrence  Valley  (Fig.  1). 

During  the  Champlain  Sea's  geologically  brief  history,  from  about  12  500  years 
B.P.  to  9  500  years  B.P.,  various  types  of  animals,  ranging  from  microscopic 
foraminifera  to  whales,  penetrated  from  the  Atlantic  Ocean  into  this  inland  sea.  Their 
remains  have  been  found  embedded  in  the  marine  sediments  of  the  area.  This  book 
emphasizes  the  groups  of  animals  generally  large  enough  to  be  visible  to  the  naked 
eye;  in  other  words,  it  excludes  the  microscopic  foraminifera  and  ostracods,  which 
are  to  be  dealt  with  in  a  future  volume  of  "Fossils  of  Ontario". 

The  types  of  animals  that  lived  in  the  Champlain  Sea  and  that  are  covered  in  this 
volume  comprise  sponges,  bryozoans  (moss  animals),  molluscs  (gastropods  and 
pelecypods,  known  otherwise  as  snails  and  clams),  arthropods  (a  conchostracan  or 
clam  shrimp,  barnacles,  and  an  isopod,  which  is  related  to  the  terrestrial  wood  lice), 
an  asteroid  (starfish),  ophiuroids  (brittlestars),  annelid  worms,  fish,  whales,  and 
seals.  With  the  exception  of  one  genus  of  barnacle,  two  genera  of  pelecypods,  and 
one  genus  of  seal,  each  genus  is  represented  by  only  a  single  species.  Nonmarine 
fossils  found  in  concretions  at  Green  Creek  (Green's  Creek  of  early  literature),  in  the 
Ottawa  area,  are  listed  but  not  described. 

Molluscs  are  the  most  common  both  in  variety  and  numbers.  White  gastropod  and 
pelecypod  shells  are  easily  visible  in  a  variety  of  sediments.  A  branchiopod,  several 
genera  of  fish,  and  the  bones  of  a  young  seal  are  other  marine  fossils  that  have  been 
found  in  the  Green  Creek  concretions.  These  concretions  offer  very  attractive  and 
interesting  specimens.  Bones  of  whales  and  seals  are  of  rare  occurrence  in  the 
Champlain  Sea  deposits. 

Champlain  Sea  fossil  occurrences  have  been  known  since  the  late  1830s  and  their 
assemblages  have  been  reported  in  various  scientific  journals  and  government 
publications.  I  recorded  the  Champlain  Sea  fossil  references  dating  from  1837  in  a 
Geological  Survey  of  Canada  paper  (Wagner,  1967).  I  have  abstracted  the  references 
pertinent  to  the  Ontario  scene  from  this  and  from  other  papers  published  after  1966. 
Earlier  papers  are  often  vague  as  to  localities  of  fossil  discoveries,  citing  occurrences 
such  as  "Ottawa  and  vicinity"  or  "right  bank  of  Rideau  River,  near  Manotick 
Road".  More  recent  references  are  usually  more  specific  and  can  lead  the  searcher  to 
the  exact  sites  where  the  fossils  have  been  collected.  New  localities  are  continually 
being  discovered,  and  a  visit  to  such  places  as  newly  dug  ditches,  foundation 
excavations,  fresh  landslide  scars,  actively  worked  clay,  and  sand  and  gravel  pits  can 
reward  the  collector  with  interesting  suites  of  fossils. 

Species  found  in  the  Champlain  Sea  still  exist,  and  those  interested  in  the 
fascinating  exercise  of  attempting  to  determine  past  environmental  conditions  and 
changes  in  these  conditions  can  do  so  by  comparing  the  fossil  assemblages  with  their 
modern  counterparts.  Pelecypod  fossils  with  their  valves  intact  and  in  living  position 
are  abundant  locally,  as  are  apparently  in  situ  gastropod  shells.  The  specimens  so 
preserved  are  those  of  species  generally  favouring  a  fine-grained  substrate,  and  they 
are  found  in  the  clays  and  silts.  The  more  widespread  sands  and  gravels,  being 
shallow-water  deposits,  were  subject  to  wave  action  which,  of  course,  affected  the 
animal  hard  parts  enclosed  in  them.  Disarticulated  pelecypod  valves  and  barnacle 
plates,  eroded  gastropod  shells,  and  fragments  of  all  kinds  are  the  common  fossils  in 
this  type  of  deposit  although  complete  specimens  may  be  found.  Fossils  in  the 
concretions  are  usually  well  preserved,  but  their  occurrence  is  very  localized. 
Detailed  species  descriptions  and  information  pertaining  to  environmental  factors 
favourable  to  the  various  species  may  be  found  in  Abbott  (1974),  Bousfield  (1960), 
Collins  (1959),  and  Morris  (1973). 

Illustrations  of  complete  specimens  are  the  ideal  for  identification  purposes 
because  they  give  a  whole  against  which  fragmentary  specimens  can  be  compared. 
Unfortunately,  many  Ontario-collected  specimens  are  incomplete,  and  therefore, 
specimens  from  the  province  are  in  the  minority  among  the  following  figures.  In 
addition,  many  specimens  of  the  species  reported  in  older  literature  could  not  be 
located,  and  sometimes  even  specimens  from  more  recent  collections  were  found  to 
be  missing.  Where  necessary,  specimens  (either  existent  or  fossil)  from  elsewhere 
have  been  substituted  or  have  been  shown  in  addition  to  less  than  ideal  Ontario 
material.  For  a  few  species,  no  substitute  specimens  could  be  obtained,  and  so 
drawings  have  been  prepared. 

Champlain  Sea  Deposits  in  Ontario 

Unconsolidated  deposits  in  the  Ontario  area  of  the  Champlain  Sea  show  a  sequence  of 
sediments  of  glacial,  through  freshwater,  to  brackish  and  marine,  and  back  to 
freshwater  origin.  The  brackish  and  marine  materials  relate  to  the  Champlain  Sea 
inundation.  Sediment  distributions  shown  in  Figure  1  are  based  primarily  on  my  own 
field  observations.  Fine-grained  silts  and  clays  are  characteristic  of  the  earlier,  deeper 
phases  of  the  sea,  whereas  sands  and  gravels  were  deposited  during  shallower 
intervals  and  along  the  shores.  Boulder  beaches  were  developed  where  till  ridges 
projecting  above  the  level  of  the  marine  waters  allowed  the  waves  to  winnow  out  the 
fine-grained  sediments. 

The  earlier  names  of  Leda  clay  and  Saxicava  sand  have  been  replaced  by  the  more 
appropriate  Champlain  Sea  clay  and  Champlain  Sea  sand  (Gadd,  1960).  Leda  is  a 
synonym  of  Nuculana;  the  pelecypod  species  characteristic  of  the  clays  is  a 
Portlandia,  namely  Portlandia  arctica  (Gray).  Saxicava  is  a  synonym  of  Hiatella. 

References  for  description  and  discussion  of  the  Champlain  Sea  stratigraphy  are 
given  below. 


Antevs(1925)  Ami  (1887,  1892,  1906) 

Chalmers  (1907)  Ells  (1898,  1907) 

Coleman  (1901a,  1901b,  1932,  1941)       Gadd  (1963a,  1963b,  1977,  1980) 
Dawson,  J.  W.  (1871,  1883b,  1893)        Johnston  (1917) 
Logan  (1863)  Keele  and  Johnston  (1913) 

Murray  (1852)  Kindle  (1918) 

Owen  (1951) 
Richard  (1975) 
Terasmae  (1960,  1965) 
Wilson,  W.  J.  (1898) 

History  of  Champlain  Sea  Studies  in  Ontario 

Observations  of  fossiliferous  Champlain  Sea  sand  and  clay  in  Quebec  (Beauport  area) 
date  back  to  1837  when  shells  were  collected  there  by  H.  W.  Bayfield  (1837).  They 
were  identified  by  Sir  Charles  Lyell  (1841).  The  first  record  of  Champlain  Sea  fossils 
in  Ontario  dates  to  1 845  when  Lyell  reported  the  occurrence  of  the  capelin  Mallotus 
villosus.  The  fish-bearing  concretions  had  been  obtained  by  William  (later  Sir 
William)  Logan,  founder  and  first  director  of  the  Geological  Survey  of  Canada.  They 
came  from  the  shores  of  the  Ottawa  River  near  Ottawa  (then  called  Bytown).  Logan 
published  subsequent  reports  on  fossil  finds  from  the  Ottawa  area  and  from  north  and 
west  of  Ottawa  as  far  as  Lake  Coulonge,  the  major  contribution  appearing  in  the  1863 
"Geology  of  Canada".  Two  other  collectors  of  the  1850s  who  advanced  the 
knowledge  of  the  composition  and  distribution  of  Champlain  Sea  faunas  in  Ontario 

were  Alexander  Murray  of  the  Geological  Survey  of  Canada  and  Joseph  Leidy,  an 
American  palaeontologist. 

An  important  collector  in  the  period  1857  to  1895  was  J.  William  (later  Sir 
William)  Dawson.  In  his  later  years  he  was  principal  of  McGill  College  in  Montreal. 
Dawson  added  considerably  to  the  number  of  species  known  from  the  Champlain  Sea 
and  in  1893,  he  published  the  definitive  work  up  to  that  time  on  the  Pleistocene  of 
Canada.  His  son,  George  Mercer  Dawson,  was  third  director  of  the  Geological 
Survey  of  Canada,  and  his  report  on  the  operations  of  the  Geological  Survey  for  1895 
(published  in  1897)  makes  reference  to  N.  J.  Giroux's  collection  of  Champlain  Sea 
fossils  from  the  St.  Lawrence  area. 

During  the  latter  part  of  the  19th  century  and  the  first  decade  of  the  20th  Henry  M. 
Ami  published  extensively  on  the  Champlain  Sea.  He  added  significantly  to  the  lists 
of  both  invertebrate  and  vertebrate  species  and  recorded  new  localities,  mainly  in  and 
around  Ottawa.  Ami  was  a  palaeontologist  with  the  Geological  Survey  at  the  time. 

The  20th  century  saw  the  proliferation  of  people  interested  in  the  Champlain  Sea 
and  its  faunas.  Some  of  them  merely  repeated  what  was  already  known,  sometimes 
adding  a  species  or  two  or  a  new  locality;  others  undertook  detailed  studies  of  a 
palaeoecologic  or  a  stratigraphic  nature.  Major  contributors  of  palaeoecologic 
interpretations  include  Winnifred  Goldring  of  the  State  Museum  at  Albany,  New 
York,  and  E.  J.  Whittaker  and  F.  J.  E.  Wagner,  the  latter  two  invertebrate 
palaeontologists  with  the  Geological  Survey  of  Canada.  Whittaker's  observations 
were  based  on  collections  from  along  the  St.  Lawrence  River  between  Prescott, 
Ontario  and  Lachine,  Quebec.  Goldring  considered  material  from  the  Ottawa  and 
Montreal  areas  although  her  main  emphasis  was  on  the  area  around  Lake  Champlain 
in  Vermont  and  New  York  State.  She  studied  the  relationship  of  size  differences  in 
selected  species  to  ecologic  conditions,  primarily  to  salinity.  The  full  extent  of  the 
Champlain  Sea  was  considered  by  Wagner,  whose  interpretation  of  ecologic 
conditions  complemented  and  extended  that  of  Goldring.  She  also  added  materially  to 
the  number  of  known  fossiliferous  sites  in  Ontario  and  Quebec. 

Other  contributors  since  the  tum  of  the  century  to  the  knowledge  of  the  Champlain 
Sea  species  and  their  distribution  in  Ontario  include  Ernst  Antevs,  Robert  Bell, 
Robert  Chalmers,  R.  W.  Ells,  W.  A.  Johnston,  E.  M.  Kindle,  Lawrence  M.  Lambe, 
C.  M.  Sternberg,  Jaan  Terasmae,  and  J.  F.  Whiteaves,  all  of  whom  were  associated 
with  the  Geological  Survey  of  Canada.  Persons  other  than  staff  of  the  Geological 
Survey  whose  works  on  the  Champlain  Sea  have  been  cited  in  the  list  of  references 
include  A.  P.  Coleman,  C.  R.  Harington,  J.  W.  Laverdiere,  G.  H.  Perkins,  and 
H.  G.  Richards.  All  references  relate  to  locality  citations  and  not  to  taxonomic 

Champlain  Sea  Fossils 

Excluding  the  species  of  foraminifera  and  ostracods,  at  least  47  marine  species  have 
been  identified  from  the  area  of  the  Champlain  Sea  in  Ontario  as  opposed  to  a  total  of 
approximately  125  species  from  the  Champlain  Sea  as  a  whole.  No  new  marine 
species  in  addition  to  the  47  were  collected  from  the  parts  of  Quebec  adjacent  to 
Ontario.  It  is  necessary  to  go  as  far  as  Montreal  and  south  and  east  from  there  to  find 
species  other  than  those  reported  from  Ontario. 


The  47  marine  species  from  Ontario  are  distributed  among  40  genera  of  which  29 
are  invertebrates.  A  breakdown  of  the  invertebrates  shows  one  genus  of  Porifera 
(sponges),  of  Bryozoa  (moss  animals),  of  Conchostraca  (clam  shrimps),  of  Cirripedia 
(barnacles),  of  Isopoda,  and  of  Asteroidea  (starfish);  two  genera  of  Ophiuroidea 
(brittlestars)  and  of  Polychaeta  (worms);  nine  of  Gastropoda  (snails);  and  ten  of 
Pelecypoda  (clams).  Among  the  vertebrates  there  are  five  genera  of  mammals  and  six 
genera  of  fish. 

Organisms  found  in  the  Champlain  Sea  deposits  may  be  classified  as  follows.  The 
taxonomic  categories  under  which  the  various  forms  are  described  appear  in  boldface. 


































Porifera  (Sponges)  Figure  2A-D 

Porifera  are  represented  by  only  one  genus,  Tethya,  a  sponge  belonging  to  the  class 
Demospongia  Solles,  1875,  and  the  order  Epipolasida  Solles,  1888.  These  are 
sponges  characterized  by  a  complex  structure  of  many  chambers.  The  spicules  may 
be  either  siliceous  or  of  spongin,  a  flexible  material  related  to  horn.  Spicules  of  both 
kinds  may  be  present.  Spicules  are  of  two  types,  namely  megascleres  and 
microscleres  (Fig.  2A-C).  Megascleres  make  up  the  skeletal  framework  of  the 
sponge,  whereas  microscleres  are  present  in  the  flesh  and  do  not  form  part  of  the 
framework.  Microscleres  are  very  rarely  found  in  fossils.  Epipolasids  are  typically 
radiate  in  form  with  a  relatively  thick  external  cover.  The  main  spicules  are  strongyles 
(Fig.  2A)  with  swollen,  spindlelike  shafts. 

Ami  (1897,  1902)  referred  the  single  species  from  the  Champlain  Sea  to  the  genus 
Craniella  and  Whittaker  (1922)  placed  Craniella  as  a  subgenus  of  Tethya  (spelled 

Fig.  2     Porifera  (A-D)     Bryozoa  (E) 
A     Megasclere  (a  strongyle). 
B     Microsclere  (a  euaster). 
C     Microsclere  (a  sphaeraster). 
Tethya  logani  Dawson 

D     Flattened  rosettes  of  spicules,  x  3.25,  GSC  20130,  Montreal,  Quebec. 
Porella  elegantula  d'Orbigny 
E     Schematic  representation  of  several  zooecia,  X  2.5. 


Tethea  in  earlier  publications).  However,  the  two  genera  are  distinct  (Moore,  1955, 
p.  E42).  The  specimen  identified  asCraniella  cranium  (Miiller)  by  Whiteaves  (1901) 
is  probably  Tethya  logani. 

Tethya  Lamarck  Figure  2D 

This  is  the  one  genus  found  in  the  Champlain  Sea.  Tethya  is  of  spheroidal  form  with  a 
warty,  leathery  surface.  Megascleres  in  this  genus  are  strongyles  (Fig.  2A)  and 
microscleres  include  sphaerasters  and  euasters  (Fig.  2B,  C).  As  fossils,  only  the 
megascleres  have  been  reported.  These  spicules  are  found  in  clay  as  isolated 
individuals,  in  bundles  resembling  mouse  fur,  or  clustered  as  flattened  rosettes.  The 
spicules  are  needlelike,  hollow,  gently  curved,  and  tapering  at  both  ends.  Some  are 
drawn  out  to  very  fine  points,  whereas  others  are  more  bluntly  rounded.  The 
megascleres  measure  up  to  7.5  mm  in  length. 

A  specimen  from  the  Montreal  area  of  Quebec  is  illustrated. 
SPECIES     Tethya   logani   Dawson    [recorded  as  Craniella  logani,   Tethea  logani, 

Tethea  {Craniella)  logani] 
REFERENCES     Ami  (1887,  1892,  1897,  1902),  Wagner  (1970),  Whittaker  (1922) 

Bryozoa  (Moss  Animals)  Figure  2E 

Remains  of  these  colonial  animals  are  very  scarce  in  the  Champlain  Sea  deposits. 
Only  one  genus,  Porella,  which  appears  in  the  earlier  literature  asEschara,  has  been 
identified  positively  from  the  Ottawa  area.  Fragments  of  bryozoan  zoaria  were 
reported  from  Stormont  County  but  were  not  identifiable.  The  colonies  may  be  free, 
branching  forms  or  they  may  be  encrusting  on  stones  or  shells.  The  zoaria  can  be  seen 
readily  with  the  naked  eye  but  a  hand  lens  is  needed  in  order  to  see  the  details  of  the 

Porella  Gray  Figure  2E 

Porella  is  a  foliate  form.  The  apertural  face  may  either  be  smooth  or  have  a 
granulated  calcareous  covering  over  the  smooth  inner  layer.  There  is  a  suboral 
avicularium.  The  ovicell  is  imperforate. 

No  specimen  was  available  for  illustration. 
SPECIES     Porella  elegantula  d'Orbigny 
REFERENCES     Ami  (1892,  1897,  1902),  Goldring  (1922) 

Gastropoda  (Snails)  Figures  3  to  5 

Gastropods,  commonly  known  as  snails,  are  molluscs  with  a  single  calcareous  shell 
that  is  closed  at  the  apex  and  is  not  divided  into  regular  chambers.  Shell  shapes  and 
ornamentation  are  diverse.  In  most  genera  the  shell  is  asymmetric. 

Gastropods  are  one  of  the  more  common  fossils  in  the  Champlain  Sea  sediments, 
although  their  variety  is  smaller  and  their  numbers  far  fewer  than  those  of  pelecypods. 
With  the  exception  of  Neptunea,  all  are  small,  ranging  in  length  from  6  mm  to  about 
25  mm.  Neptunea  may  reach  120  mm  in  length.  Many  living  gastropods  have 
coloured  shells,  some  of  which  are  quite  elaborately  patterned.  However,  the  genera 
represented  here  are  dull,  for  the  most  part,  ranging  from  amber  to  tan  to  brown  and 







Fig.  3     Morphological  terms  applied  to  gastropods. 











brownish  grey  in  life.  Some  show  colour  banding.  Fossil  specimens  are  almost 
invariably  bleached  white,  although  occasionally  they  show  a  trace  of  colour  or  a 
colour  pattern. 

Shells  may  be  found  in  clays  and  silts  and  in  sands  and  gravels,  but  the  best  source 
is  the  former  group,  which  are  the  finer-grained  sediment.  Most  specimens  reported 
during  the  period  between  1897  and  the  present  have  been  from  the  Ottawa  area.  This 
may  reflect  merely  the  fact  that  a  growing  city  with  its  many  excavations  offered 
excellent  chances  for  the  discovery  of  these  shells.  However,  my  field  program  in  the 
1950s,  which  covered  all  of  the  area  of  Ontario  that  had  been  inundated  by  the 
Champlain  Sea  waters,  brought  to  light  extremely  few  samples  of  gastropods  outside 
the  Ottawa  area.  Their  distribution  is  probably  related  to  ecology.  Most  gastropod 
species  identified  favour  a  clay,  silt,  or  fine  sand  substrate,  and  these  sediments  are 
best  developed  and  exposed  in  the  Ottawa  Valley. 

Figure  3  illustrates  features  of  shell  morphology  and  Figure  4  shows  various 
gastropod  shapes. 

Margarites  Gray  Figure  5A 

This  is  a  small  gastropod,  generally  less  than  15  mm  in  length.  It  is  trochiform  in 
shape  and  has  a  rounded  aperture  with  an  interrupted  peristome.  The  usually  small, 
deep  umbilicus  is  encircled  by  a  spiral  cord.  A  distinctive  feature  of  the  genus  is  the 


Fig.  4     Some  common  gastropod  shapes. 
A     Cylindrical.      C     Globose. 
B     Fusiform.         D     Trochiform. 

E     Subglobose. 

nacreous  interior  of  the  aperture.  The  exterior  of  the  shell  may  be  smooth  or  spirally 

Two  species  have  been  identified  from  the  Montreal  area,  but  the  single  damaged 
specimen  from  Ottawa  could  not  be  identified  as  to  species.  Because  the  Ottawa  fossil 
specimen  was  missing,  a  modern  specimen  representing  one  of  the  species  reported 
from  Quebec  has  been  illustrated. 
SPECIES     Margarites  sp. 
REFERENCE     Wagner  (1970) 

Velutina  Fleming  Figure  5B 

Velutina  is  small,  ranging  up  to  about  20  mm  in  length.  The  shell  is  very  thin  and 
subglobose  with  two  or  three  rapidly  enlarging  whorls  that  may  be  spirally  striated  or 
reticulately  ornamented.  The  outer  lip  of  the  aperture  is  thin. 

Finds  in  Ontario  have  been  in  and  around  Ottawa;  the  genus  is  more  commonly 
represented  in  Quebec.  A  modern  specimen  is  shown  in  place  of  the  missing  original 

SPECIES     Velutina  undata  Brown 
REFERENCES     Ami  (1902),  Whiteaves  (1901) 

Lunatia  Gray  Figure  5C 

This  is  another  gastropod  scarce  in  Ontario,  although  it  has  been  reported  from 
several  localities  in  Quebec.  Shells  of  the  genus  may  attain  a  length  of  125  mm. 
However,  the  species  found  in  the  Champlain  Sea  does  not  grow  more  than  25  mm 
long.  The  globose  shell  has  steadily  enlarging,  rounded  whorls,  and  there  is  a  small 
umbilicus,  which  may  be  almost  closed.  The  aperture  is  long,  between  two-thirds  and 


three-quarters  of  the  total  length  of  the  shell,  and  wide,  but  of  variable  proportions. 

A  specimen  from  Ontario  was  not  available,  and  therefore  a  specimen  from  Quebec 
is  illustrated. 

SPECIES     Lunatia  pallida  (Broderip  and  Sowerby) 
REFERENCE     Goldring  (1922) 

Natica  Scopoli  Figure  5D 

Natica  is  similar  in  shape  to  Lunatia  but  is  smaller  (maximum  length  for  the  genus 
about  32  mm)  and  has  its  umbilicus  almost  or  completely  sealed  with  a  callus.  If  the 
operculum  is  present,  its  composition  is  an  important  diagnostic  feature;  the 
operculum  of  Natica  is  calcareous,  whereas  that  of  Lunatia  is  horny. 

Specimens  have  been  collected  from  several  localities  in  and  around  Ottawa  and 
also  from  Farran  Point,  a  site  now  inundated  by  the  waters  of  the  St.  Lawrence 
Seaway.  Like  Lunatia,  Natica  is  more  widely  recorded  in  Quebec.  No  specimen  from 
Ontario  could  be  found  for  illustration. 

Fig.  5     Margarites     Velutina     Lunatia     Natica 

Margarites  costalis  (Gould) 

A     A  modern  specimen,  x  2,  GSC  21096,  Hudson  Bay. 

Velutina  undata  Brown 

B     A  modern  specimen,  x  12,  GSC  55158,  Baie  des  Chaleurs. 

Lunatia  pallida  (Broderip  and  Sowerby) 

C     Oral  view,  x  2,  GSC  20136,  near  Ste-Genevieve,  Quebec. 

Natica  clausa  Broderip  and  Sowerby 

D     Oral  view,  X  2,  GSC  20135,  near  Ste-Genevieve,  Quebec. 


SPECIES    Natica  clausa  Broderip  and  Sowerby  £V.  affinis  Gmelin  is  a  synonym] 
references     Ami  (1897,  1902),  Antevs  (1925,  1939),  Goldring  (1922),  Johnston 
(1916,  1917),  Whittaker  (1922) 

Neptunea  Roding  Figure  6A 

Representatives  of  this  genus  are  the  largest  gastropods  one  is  likely  to  find  in  the 
Champlain  Sea  deposits.  Specimens  from  these  deposits  may  reach  75  mm  in  length; 
the  largest  species  of  the  genus  reach  about  125  mm.  The  fusiform  shells  generally 
have  six  to  eight  whorls.  Sculpture  is  mostly  spiral  on  the  rounded  or  prominently 
shouldered  whorls.  The  spiral  ribs  may  be  of  two  sizes.  Some  specimens  have 
indistinct  axial  ribs.  Sutures  between  adjoining  whorls  may  be  deep  or  shallow.  The 
aperture  is  characterized  by  a  short  to  long,  usually  twisted,  siphonal  canal. 

In  Ontario,  this  genus  is  apparently  confined  to  the  Ottawa  district.  A  specimen 
from  Quebec  has  been  shown  in  place  of  the  unavailable  Ontario  material. 
SPECIES    Neptunea  despecta  (Linne) 
references     Ami  (1902),  Antevs  (1925,  1939),  Goldring  (1922),  Johnston  (1916, 


Ad  mete  Kroyer  Figure  6B 

Admete  has  a  thin  but  strong  shell  about  25  mm  long.  The  aperture  is  equal  to  about 
half  the  total  length  of  the  shell,  which  is  basically  fusiform  in  shape.  The  rounded 
whorls  are  sculptured  with  strong  axial  ridges  and  weak  spiral  threads.  The  aperture 
has  a  short,  open,  barely  perceptible  anterior  canal.  There  are  weak  folds  on  the 

This  gastropod  is  rare;  it  has  been  reported  only  once  in  Ontario,  from  Ottawa. 
Elsewhere  in  the  Champlain  Sea  deposits,  it  has  been  collected  from  localities  in 
Montreal  and  Quebec  City.  The  whereabouts  of  Goldring's  specimen  is  unknown  to 
me;  a  sketch  is  presented  because  no  suitable  specimen  of  this  species  was  available 
to  be  photographed. 

SPECIES    Admete  couthouyi  (Jay)  [A.  viridula  (Fabricius)  is  a  synonym] 
reference     Goldring  (1922) 

Cylichna  Loven  Figure  6C 

This  and  the  following  two  genera  are  "bubble"  shells  and  range  from  globose  to 
cylindrical  in  shape.  Cylichna  is  characterized  by  a  small  (9  mm  or  less  in  length), 
cylindrical  shell  that  is  generally  smooth  and  glossy,  although  some  species  are 
ornamented  with  microscopic  spiral  scratches.  The  spire  is  involute,  resulting  in  a 
small  apical  concavity.  The  lower  end  of  the  shell  is  truncate.  The  aperture  is  long 
and  narrow,  expanded  below,  and  with  a  single  oblique  fold  on  the  columella. 

Only  one  of  four  species  identified  from  the  Champlain  Sea  has  been  found  in 
Ontario.  Several  localities  in  and  around  Ottawa  have  been  cited.  A  single  specimen, 
which  could  not  be  identified  to  the  species  level,  came  from  the  Cornwall  area.  This 
gastropod  has  been  collected  from  both  sands  and  clays.  A  modern  individual  has 
been  illustrated  because  no  fossil  material  could  be  located. 
SPECIES  Cylichna  alba  (Brown) 
references     Ami  (1897,  1902),  Antevs  (1925,  1939),  Goldring  (1922),  Johnston 

(1916,  1917),  Wagner  (1958) 




Fig.  6    Neptunea     Admete     Cylichna     Philine     Haminoea 

Neptunea  despecta  (Linne) 

A     Oral  view  of  specimen  previously  referred  to  N.  despecta  tornata  (Gould), 

GSC  20140,  Grande-Riviere-du-Chene,  Quebec. 
Admete  couthouyi  (Jay) 
B     Schematic  representation,  x  2. 
Cylichna  alba  (Brown) 

C     Oral  view  of  a  modern  specimen,  x  6,  GSC  55112,  Bay  of  Fundy. 
Philine  lima  (Brown) 
D     Schematic  representation,   x  15. 
Haminoea  solitaria  (Say) 
E     Oral  view,  x  7,  GSC  20141,  Apple  Hill,  Ontario. 

x  1, 


Philine  Ascanius  Figure  6D 

This  is  the  smallest  of  the  gastropods  that  one  is  likely  to  find,  ranging  from  2  to 
7  mm  in  length.  The  shell  is  thin  and  loosely  coiled  with  a  flaring  aperture.  In  some 
species  the  top  of  the  aperture  is  above  the  apex  of  the  shell;  in  others  it  is  below.  The 
apex  of  the  shell  may  be  partly  flattened  or  it  may  be  rounded.  Ornamentation  is 
usually  spiral  and  may  consist  of  finely  scalloped  lines,  or  rows  of  small  oblong  rings, 
or  microscopic  punctations. 

There  is  only  one  record  of  this  genus  in  Ontario — near  Ottawa.  The  only  other 
record  of  the  genus  in  the  Champlain  Sea  deposits  is  from  the  Montreal  area.  In  the 
absence  of  Goldring's  specimen  and  suitable  modern  material,  a  drawing  is 

SPECIES     Philine  lima  (Brown)  [P.  lineolata  Couthouy  is  a  synonym] 
REFERENCE     Goldring  (1922) 

Haminoea  Turton  and  Kingston  Figure  6E 

This  "bubble"  shell  is  similar  in  shape  to  the  others,  Cylichna  and  Philine,  being 
globose  to  broadly  cylindrical.  The  shell  of  Haminoea,  however,  may  be  partly 
corneous  and  is  often  semitransparent  and  flexible.  The  apex  of  the  shell  is  perforate; 
a  diagnostic  feature  for  species  of  this  genus  is  the  direction  in  which  the  lip  of  the 
aperture  rises — to  the  right  or  to  the  left  of  the  perforation,  when  viewed  with  the 
apex  of  the  shell  towards  you  and  with  the  outer  lip  facing  to  the  right.  The  sides  of 
the  whorls  may  be  flattened  or  rounded.  Ornamentation  may  be  lacking  or  may 
consist  of  spiral  grooves. 

This  genus  was  recorded  earlier  from  the  Ottawa  area  and  from  Kenyon  Twp., 
Glengarry  County. 
SPECIES    Haminoea  solitaria  (Say) 
references     Goldring  (1922),  Wagner  (1970) 

Pelecypoda  (Clams)  Figures  7  to  15 

Pelecypods  are  two-shelled  organisms  with  wholly  or  partly  calcified  valves  covering 
the  right  and  left  sides  of  the  body.  The  hinge  plate,  with  the  distinctive  pattern  and 
shape  of  its  teeth,  is  of  diagnostic  importance  at  the  generic  level.  In  some  genera  the 
hinge  is  edentulous.  A  dorsal  ligament  connects  the  valves  that  open  and  close  along 
an  anteroposterior  axis.  The  surface  of  the  valves  may  be  smooth,  with  only  faint 
concentric  growth  lines,  or  it  may  be  highly  sculptured  concentrically,  radially,  or 
both.  General  features  of  shell  morphology  are  shown  in  Figure  7. 

Pelecypods  are  the  most  abundant  macro  fossils  in  the  Champlain  Sea  deposits. 
Complete  shells  of  infaunal  species  may  be  found  in  living  position  (Fig.  8),  and  it  is 
not  uncommon  to  see  an  exposure,  particularly  a  gravel  pit,  liberally  sprinkled  with 
white  pelecypod  valves  (Fig.  9).  Separated  valves  may  be  concentrated,  convex  side 
up,  by  wave  or  current  action.  Living  positions  of  several  typical  genera  are  shown  in 
Figure  10. 

Nucula  Lamarck  Figure  HA 

The  valves  of  this  small  (less  than  9  mm  long),  ovate-to-trigonal  pelecypod  close 
tightly  all  around  the  periphery.  The  outer  surface  of  the  shell  is  either  smooth  or 






















Fig.  7     Morphological  terms  applied  to  pelecypods. 


ornamented  with  fine  radial  and  concentric  striae,  and  the  interior  of  the  shell  is 
pearly.  Interiorly,  the  ventral  margins  may  be  smooth  or  crenulate.  Species  identified 
from  the  Champlain  Sea  belong  to  the  subgenus  Leionucula ,  which  has  smooth  inner 
ventral  margins.  A  resilifer  separates  the  anterior  and  posterior  sections  of  the  hinge 
with  its  closely  interlocking,  taxodont  teeth.  Beaks  in  this  genus  are  opisthogyrate. 
There  is  no  pallial  sinus. 


Fig.  8     Pelecypod  shells  (Hiatella  arctica)  in  living  position  (above  point  of  hammer),  gravel 
pit  4.6  km  south  of  Alexandria,  Ontario  (GSC  Photo  144026). 

Representatives  of  this  genus  have  been  found  in  the  clays  at  various  localities  in 
the  Ottawa  Valley.  Only  one  species  has  been  identified,  and  it  is  apparently  more 
common  in  Ontario  than  elsewhere.  However,  because  the  original  material  could  not 
be  found,  a  specimen  from  the  Champlain  Sea  deposits  in  Quebec  is  shown. 
SPECIES    Nacula  tenuis  Montagu;  Nucula  sp.  [the  N.  expansa  listed  by  Coleman 

from  Pakenham  (?)  is  probably  N.  tenuis] 
REFERENCES     Ami  (1902),  Antevs  (1925,  1939),  Coleman  (1901b),  J.  W.  Dawson 


Fig.  9     Exposure  liberally  sprinkled  with  pelecypod  shells  (foreground),  gravel  pit  4.6  km 
south  of  Alexandria,  Ontario  (GSC  Photo  144027). 



MY  A 

Fig.  10     Living  positions  of  selected  pelecypod  genera. 


(1857,  1871,   1893),  Goldring  (1922),  Johnston  (1916),  Kindle  (1918),  Logan 
(1863),  Whiteaves  (1901),  Whittaker  (1922) 

Nuculana  Link  Figure  11B,  C 

Nuculana  has  an  elongate,  generally  rostrate  shell,  either  smooth  or  with  concentric 
sculpture  and  with  a  polished  periostracum.  The  interior  of  the  shell  is  porcellaneous 
and  the  ventral  margins  are  always  smooth.  Shells  range  from  about  6  to  38  mm  in 
length.  The  chevron-shaped  hinge  teeth  are  in  two  series  separated  by  a  wide, 
posteriorly  directed  resilifer.  There  are  approximately  twice  as  many  teeth  in  the 
posterior  series  as  in  the  anterior.  There  is  a  small  pallial  sinus. 

Only  one  of  the  species  of  Nuculana  recorded  from  the  Champlain  Sea  has  been 
found  in  Ontario  and  it  is  of  limited  occurrence.  It  has  been  reported  from  the  Ottawa 
area  and  from  near  Farran  Point,  one  of  the  communities  obliterated  by  the  St. 
Lawrence  Seaway.  No  fossil  material  was  available  for  illustration  so  a  modern 
specimen  has  been  substituted  and  the  interior  view  has  been  sketched. 
SPECIES  Nuculana  minuta  (Fabricius) 
REFERENCES     Goldring  (1922),  Whittaker  (1922) 

Portlandia  (Morch)  Figure  12 

Portlandia    and  Nuculana    belong   to   the    same    family,    Nuculanidae;    however, 

Fig.  1 1     Nucula     Nuculana 

Nucula  tenuis  Montagu 

A     Interior  and  exterior  views  (part  of  hinge  has  been  broken),   x  4,  GSC  20144, 

Lachevrotiere  River,  Quebec. 
Nuculana  minuta  (Fabricius) 

B     Exterior  of  left  valve,  x  2,  GSC  22037,  Hudson  Bay. 
C     Diagram  to  show  typical  dentition. 


Portlandia  differs  from  the  latter  genus  in  that  the  surfaces  of  its  valves  are 
unornamented  and  in  that  the  posterior  end  of  its  ovate-to-elliptical  shell  is  dorsally 
produced.  The  interior  of  the  shell  of  Portlandia,  as  of  Nuculana,  is  porcellaneous, 
and  the  margins  are  smooth.  A  large  resilifer  separates  the  two  series  of 
chevron-shaped  teeth.  The  number  of  teeth  is  approximately  the  same  in  both  series, 
although  there  may  be  slightly  fewer  in  the  anterior  series.  If  a  pallial  sinus  is  present, 
it  is  small.  Specimens  may  reach  30  mm  in  length. 

Portlandia  sensu  stricto  Figure  12 A,  B 

The  typical  Portlandia  has  a  well-developed,  albeit  small,  pallial  sinus.  Its  resilifer  is 
large  and  subtriangular.  The  maximum  length  is  30  mm,  but  the  length  of  most 
specimens  is  only  about  15  mm.  The  one  species  in  the  Champlain  Sea,  Portlandia 
(Portlandia)  arctica ,  is  ubiquitous  in  the  marine  clays  and  is  often  found  in  silts  and 
silty  sands  as  well.  It  is  the  Leda  glacialis,  Leda  arctica,  or  Yoldia  arctica  of  the 
earlier  authors  and  is  the  shell  for  which  the  Leda  clay  was  named.  Actually,  Leda  is  a 
synonym  of  Nuculana,  not  of  Portlandia. 
SPECIES     Portlandia  {Portlandia)  arctica  (Gray) 

references  Ami  (1884,  1897,  1902),  Antevs  (1925,  1939),  Coleman  (1901b, 
1941),  J.  W.  Dawson  (1857,  1871,  1893),  Goldring  (1922),  Johnston  (1916, 
1917),  Kindle  (1918),  Lowdon  and  Blake  (1973,  1979),  Lowdon,  Fyles,  and  Blake 
(1967),  Richards  (1962),  Terasmae  (1960,  1965),  Wagner  (1958,  1970), 
Whiteaves(1901),  Whittaker  (1922),  A.  E.  Wilson  (1956),  W.  J.  Wilson  (1898) 

Portlandia  (Yoldiella)  Verrill  and  Bush  Figure  12C 

Species  of  this  subgenus  are  small,  from  2  or  3  mm  to  about  15  mm  in  length,  with 
most  less  than  10  mm.  The  pallial  sinus  is  very  small  and  indistinct,  or  absent.  The 

Fig.  12     Portlandia  (Portlandia)     Portlandia  (Yoldiella) 

Portlandia  (Portlandia)  arctica  (Gray) 

A     Interior  of  left  valve,  x  4,  GSC  551 16,  Ottawa,  Ontario. 

B     Exterior  of  right  valve,  x  4,  GSC  551 17,  Ottawa,  Ontario. 

Portlandia  (Yoldiella)  lenticula  (Moller) 

C     Interior  and  exterior  views,  modern  specimen,  x  6.75,  GSC  551 15. Beaufort  Sea. 


only  species,  P.  (Y.)  lenticula,  is  recorded  from  Green  Creek,  near  Ottawa.  Leda 
pygmaea  of  earlier  authors  is  possibly  this  species.  It  has  been  necessary  to  use  a 
modern  specimen  for  illustration. 
SPECIES     Portlandia  {Yoldiella)  lenticula  (Moller) 

REFERENCES     Richards    (1962);    for  Leda   pygmaea — Coleman    (1901b),    J.  W. 
Dawson  (1857,  1871,  1893),  Goldring  (1922),  Logan  (1863) 

Mytilus  Linne  Figure  13A 

The  shell  is  roughly  wedge-shaped  with  the  beaks  forming  a  pointed  apex  and  with 
the  other  end  wider  and  rounded.  The  colour  of  the  shell  is  distinctive,  being  bluish 
black  on  the  exterior,  but  pearly  white  on  the  interior,  with  a  deep  purple-blue 
margin.  The  surface  may  be  smooth  or  may  have  radial  ribs.  There  is  a  shiny 

Fig.  13     Mytilus     Thyasira    Axinopsida     Astarte 

Mytilus  edulis  Linne 

A     Interior  and  exterior  views  of  a  worn  specimen,  x  2,  GSC  20149,  St-Joseph-du- 

Lac,  Quebec. 
Thyasira  flexuosa  (Montagu) 

B     Schematic  representation  of  right  and  left  valves,  x  1.75. 
Axinopsida  orbiculata  (Sars) 

C     Interior  and  exterior  views,  x  4,  GSC  20154,  Cornwall  area,  Ontario. 
Astarte  montagui  (Dillwyn) 
D     Interior  and  exterior  views  of  specimen  previously  referred  to  A.  montagui 

striata  (Leach),  x  2,  GSC  20151,  St-Janvier-de-Joly,  Quebec. 


periostracum.  Four  to  six  small,  weak  teeth  are  located  close  to  the  beaks.  Some 
species  may  attain  a  length  of  250  mm,  but  the  species  encountered  in  the  Champlain 
Sea  ranges  in  length  between  about  25  and  75  mm. 

Mytilus  is  widely  distributed  and  is  found  mainly  in  coarser  sediments  (pebbles  to 
cobbles  and  boulders)  because  it  is  an  attached  form.  Although  complete  specimens 
may  be  found,  most  occurrences  are  of  fragments  on!-y.  Two  tiny  pearls  (0.35  mm 
and  0.4  mm  in  diameter)  were  found  with  well-preserved  Mytilus  shells  in  a  gravel  pit 
east  of  Winchester.  Unfortunately,  the  good  shells  from  Winchester  were  missing,  as 
were  the  older  collections.  Therefore  a  specimen  from  Quebec  has  been  shown. 
SPECIES     Mytilus  edulis  Linne 

references  Ami  (1884,  1892,  1897,  1902),  Antevs  (1925,  1939),  Coleman 
(1901a,  1901b,  1941),  Dawson  (1857),  Goldring  (1922),  Johnston  (1917),  Kindle 
(1918),  Leidy  (1856),  Lowdon  and  Blake  (1979),  Terasmae  (1960,  1965),  Wagner 
(1958,  1970),  Whiteaves  (1901),  Whittaker  (1922),  A.  E.  Wilson  (1956) 

Thyasira  Lamarck  Figure  13B 

Most  representatives  of  this  genus  are  small,  usually  less  than  15  mm  in  length.  The 
posterior  area  of  the  subglobular-to-oblique  shell  is  characterized  by  one  or  more 
radial  furrows.  The  weak  hinge  is  edentulous,  although  there  may  be  a  small 
pseudocardinal  tubercle  in  the  left  valve.  The  pallial  line  is  without  a  sinus. 
Externally  the  shell  may  be  chalky  or  polished  and  is  possibly  ornamented  with 
concentric  growth  lines  but  otherwise  smooth. 

Only  a  single  species  has  been  collected  from  Ottawa,  and  because  no  specimens 
were  available  to  be  photographed  a  sketch  has  been  substituted. 
SPECIES     Thyasira  flexuosa  (Montagu) 
REFERENCES     Antevs  (1925,  1939) 

Axinopsida  Keen  and  Chavan  Figure  13C 

This  genus  is  similar  in  shape  to  Thyasira,  but  is  smaller,  being  not  more  than  5  mm 
long.  The  two  genera  differ  also  in  that  Axinopsida  does  not  have  a  posterior  radial 
furrow,  or  furrows,  and  has  a  deeply  impressed,  concave  lunule,  a  feature  lacking  in 
Thyasira.  The  shell  surface  is  smooth  and  shiny,  sometimes  with  incremental  lines, 
and  with  a  thin  periostracum.  Interiorly,  the  shell  is  porcellaneous  and  polished;  the 
margins  are  smooth.  The  hinge  is  without  teeth,  although  there  may  be  a  thickening 
below  the  beak  in  each  valve  forming  a  peglike  pseudocardinal.  There  is  no  sinus  in 
the  weakly  impressed  pallial  line. 

The  Cornwall  area  has  yielded  the  only  representative  of  this  genus  so  far  identified 
from  the  Champlain  Sea. 
SPECIES    Axinopsida  orbiculata  (Sars) 
reference     Wagner  (1970) 

Astarte  Sowerby  Figure  13D 

The  shape  of  this  genus  may  be  quadrate,  trigonal,  or  rounded.  The  surface  may  be 
smooth  but  more  commonly  has  fine-to-coarse,  rounded,  concentric  ridges.  The  thick 
periostracum  ranges  from  yellow  through  shades  of  brown  to  almost  black.  Interior 
margins  of  the  shell  may  be  smooth  or  crenulated;  in  the  subgenus  recorded  from  the 
Champlain  Sea  they  are  smooth.  Hinge  teeth  are  variable  in  shape,  development,  and 
number,  but  there  are  always  three  in  the  left  valve.  The  pallial  line  is  without  a  sinus. 


Some  species  of  Astarte  attain  a  length  of  at  least  50  mm,  A.  montagui,  found  in  the 
Champlain  Sea  deposits  in  Ontario,  reaches  a  maximum  length  of  about  20  mm. 

One  of  two  species  of  Astarte  from  the  Champlain  Sea  has  been  found  in  Ontario, 
primarily  in  and  around  Ottawa.  Earlier  authors  recorded  it  as  Astarte  compressa,  A. 
banksi ,  or  A.  laurentiana.  Varieties  have  been  named  on  the  basis  of  height  to 
lengthen  ratios;  however,  since  the  ratios  intergrade,  it  is  better  to  disregard  these 

A  specimen  from  Quebec  is  illustrated  in  place  of  the  unavailable  material  from 

SPECIES    Astarte  montagui  (Dillwyn) 
REFERENCES     Antevs  (1925,  1939),  Goldring  (1922),  Johnston  (1916,  1917) 

Macoma  Leach  Figure  14 A -D 

One  species  of  Macoma  reaches  a  length  of  more  than  100  mm,  but  the  two  species 
found  in  the  Champlain  Sea  attain  a  maximum  length  of  about  50  mm  and  are  usually 
much  smaller  than  that.  Shells  are  ovate  to  subtrigonal,  with  a  posterior  flexure  that  is 
usually  to  the  right.  The  exterior  of  the  shell  is  generally  white,  porcellaneous  to 
chalky,  and  smooth  or  with  faint  concentric  growth  lines.  The  hinge  line  has  cardinal 
teeth  only,  two  in  each  valve.  A  characteristic  feature  is  the  configuration  of  the 
pallial  sinus,  which  is  of  a  different  size  and  shape  in  each  valve. 

One  species,  Macoma  balthica,  is  particularly  abundant  throughout  the  area;  the 
other,  M.  calcarea,  is  less  common  but  still  of  widespread  occurrence.  Both  are 
generally  associated  with  the  sand  and  gravels,  although  a  few  specimens  have  come 
from  the  clays  of  the  area. 

SPECIES  Macoma  balthica  (Linne)  [listed  as  Tellina  groenlandica,  Macoma 
groenlandica,  or  Macoma  fragilis  in  the  earlier  literature];  Macoma  calcarea 
references  Ami  (1884,  1892,  1897,  1902,  1906),  Antevs  (1925,  1939),  Bell 
(1906),  Chalmers  (1907),  Coleman  (1901a,  1901b,  1941),  G.  M.  Dawson  (1897), 
J.  W.  Dawson  (1871,  1893),  Dyck  and  Fyles  (1963,  1964),  Goldring  (1922), 
Johnston  (1916,  1917),  Keele  and  Johnston  (1913),  Kindle  (1918),  Leidy  (1856), 
Logan  (1863),  Lowdon  and  Blake  (1970,  1973,  1979),  Richards  (1962),  Terasmae 
(1960,  1965),  Wagner  (1958,  1970),  Whiteaves  (1901),  Whittaker  (1922),  A.  E. 
Wilson  (1956),  W.  J.  Wilson  (1898) 

Mya  Linne  Figure  15A,  B 

This  is  one  of  the  largest  pelecypods  to  inhabit  the  Champlain  Sea,  with  specimens  as 
long  as  150  mm  possible  although  individuals  of  50  to  75  mm  in  length  are  more 
usual.  The  chalky  shell  is  ovate  to  elongate  in  shape,  rounded  anteriorly,  and  either 
produced  or  truncated  posteriorly.  The  right  valve  is  slightly  larger  than  the  left,  the 
valves  closing  with  either  an  anterior  or  a  posterior  gape.  Sculpture  is  lacking,  but 
there  may  be  irregular  growth  lines.  The  edentulous  hinge  has  a  large,  projecting, 
spoon-shaped  chondrophore  in  the  left  valve  and  a  recessed  ligamental  cavity  in  the 
right  valve.  There  is  a  well-developed  pallial  sinus  that  is  variable  in  size  and  shape. 
This  pelecypod  burrows  deeply,  as  much  as  30  cm  below  the  sediment- water 
interface,  and  thus  is  often  preserved  intact,  in  living  position.  All  records  for  the 
genus  in  Ontario  are  for  Mya  arenaria  and  are  from  the  Cornwall  area.  In  Quebec  the 
genus  is  widely  represented  by  M.  arenaria  and  two  other  species.  Most  occurrences 
are  in  sand. 


SPECIES     Mya  arenaria  Linne 

references     Chalmers  ( 1907),  Terasmae  (1960,  1965),  Wagner  (1970),  Whiteaves 
(1901),  Whittaker  (1922) 

Hiatella  Bosc  (Daudin  ms)  Figure  15C,  D 

The  shell  is  highly  variable  in  form  because  the  animal  nestles  among  pebbles, 

Fig.  14    Macoma 

Macoma  balthica  (Linne) 

A     Interior  of  right  valve,  x  3,  GSC  551 18,  Harrisons  Corners,  Stormont  County, 

B     Exterior  of  left  valve,   x  3,  GSC  55119,  Harrisons  Corners,  Stormont  County, 

Macoma  calcarea  (Gmelin) 

C     Interior  of  left  valve,  x  1.5,  GSC  55120,  Cornwall  area,  Ontario. 
D     Interior  and  exterior  view,  x  1,  GSC  20158,  St-Maurice,  Quebec.  This  specimen 

shows  detail  of  the  pallial  sinus  more  clearly. 


cobbles,  and  even  boulders,  and  often  burrows  into  soft  rocks.  The  shape  may  be 
quadrate,  trapezoidal,  or  irregular,  with  a  posterior  gape.  Usually  the  shell  is  chalky 
and  heavy  and  has  irregular  growth  striae.  It  may  reach  a  length  of  75  mm,  although 
most  individuals  are  much  less  than  that.  Adults  characteristically  have  an  edentulous 
hinge,  but  juveniles  sometimes  have  a  single,  small,  ephemeral  cardinal  tooth  in  the 
right  valve  and  two  teeth  in  the  left  valve.  The  pallial  line  is  discontinuous  and  the 
sinus  is  small. 

The  one  species  encountered  is  the  Saxicava  arctica  of  earlier  authors,  the  source 
of  the  name  for  the  Saxicava  sand.  Juveniles  of  this  species  have  two  rows  of  spines 
running  from  the  umbones  to  the  posterior  margin;  these  spines  normally  disappear 
with  age.  This  common  species  is  often  found  in  sand  and  gravel  pits  or  other 
exposures  of  these  materials. 

Mya     Hiatella 

Mya  arenaria  Linne 

A     Interior  and  exterior  views  of  a  right  valve,  x  1 ,  gsc  20160,  St-Remi,  Quebec. 

B     Interior  of  a  broken  left  valve  showing  the  chondrophore,  x  3,  GSC  55121, 

Cornwall  area.  Ontario. 
Hiatella  arctica  (Linne) 

C     Interior  of  right  valve,  x  3,  GSC  55122,  northwest  of  Moulinette,  Ontario. 
D     Exterior  of  left  valve,  x  3,  GSC  55123,  northwest  of  Moulinette,  Ontario^ 




SPECIES  Hiatella  arctica  (Linne)  [Saxicava  arctica  and  Saxicava  rugosa  are 

REFERENCES  Ami  (1884,  1892,  1897,  1902,  1906),  Antevs  (1925,  1939),  Chalmers 
(1907),  Coleman  (1901a,  1901b,  1941),  G.  M.  Dawson  (1897),  J.  W.  Dawson 
(1857,  1871,  1883b,  1893),  Goldring  (1922),  Johnston  (1916,  1917),  Keele  and 
Johnston  (1913),  Kindle  (1918),  Leidy  (1856),  Logan  (1847,  1863),  Lowdon  and 
Blake  (1973,  1976,  1979),  Murray  (1852),  Richards  (1962),  Terasmae  (1960, 
1965),  Wagner  (1958,  1970),  Whiteaves  (1901),  Whittaker  (1922),  A.  E.  Wilson 
(1956),  W.  J.  Wilson  (1898) 

Conchostraca  (Clam  Shrimps)  Figure  16 

Conchostracans  belong  to  the  crustacean  class  Branchiopoda.  The  body  is  enclosed 
within  a  translucent  bivalve  shell  which  may  show  various  forms  of  ornamentation  in 
addition  to  growth  lines.  Genera  are  2  to  16  mm  in  length  and  inhabit  both  freshwater 
and  marine  environments. 

Cyzicus  Audoin  Figure  16 

This  genus  is  characterized  by  a  thin,  pellucid,  laterally  compressed,  subovate  shell. 
The  umbonal  area  is  small.  There  are  numerous  growth  lines.  Representatives  of  the 
genus  attain  a  length  of  about  12  mm. 

Several  incomplete  specimens  have  been  found  in  concretions  from  Green  Creek, 
near  Ottawa.  The  whereabouts  of  this  material  is  unknown,  and  so  a  diagrammatic 
presentation  of  the  genus  is  shown  instead. 

SPECIES     Cyzicus  dawsoni  (Packard)  [the  original  listing  is  Estheria  dawsoni] 
references     Coleman  (1932),  J.  W.  Dawson  (1893) 

Fig.  16     Diagrammatic  presentation  of  the  genus  Cyzicus,   x3. 

Cirripedia  (Barnacles)  Figures  17  and  18 

Anyone  who  has  visited  the  seacoast  will  be  familiar  with  the  myriads  of  barnacles 
encrusting  any  suitable  base  of  attachment  from  high-tide  level  down  to  the  sea  floor. 

Complete  fossils  of  this  crustacean  are  rarely  found.  The  usual  remains  are  isolated 
individual  wall  plates,  opercular  valves,  or  opercular  plates.  Less  commonly  wall 
plates  are  attached  to  a  calcareous  basis  (basal  disc)  and  are  intact.  Often  only  the 
basal  disc  will  be  found,  adhering  to  a  stone.  Barnacle  shell  morphology  is  illustrated 
in  Figure  17. 

Three  species  have  been  identified  in  Ontario,  only  one  of  which,  Balanus 
crenatus,  is  at  all  common.  It  is  most  abundant  in  the  eastern  part  of  the  province,  in 


the  Cornwall  area.  B.  balanus  has  been  reported  only  from  the  Ottawa  district,  andfi. 
hameri ,  although  more  widely  distributed,  is  also  rare. 

Balanus  da  Costa 

The  wall  of  Balanus  is  formed  of  six  usually  rigidly  articulated  plates.  Externally  the 
wall  plates  may  be  either  ribbed  or  merely  rough.  The  basis  is  calcareous. 

Balanus  sensu  stricto  Figure  18 A -D 

The  central  section  (paries)  of  each  wall  plate  has  parietal  tubes,  whereas  the  radii 
(overlapping  flanges  on  either  side  of  the  paries)  are  solid.  Species  attain  a  length  of 
about  40  mm. 

No  complete  fossil  specimens  were  available,  and  so  modern  ones  have  been 
substituted  for  illustration. 

SPECIES     Balanus  (Balanus)  balanus  (Linne); Balanus  (Balanus) crenatus  Bruguiere 
references     Ami  (1892,    1897,    1902,    1906),   Antevs  (1925,    1939),  Coleman 
(1901b),  Goldring  (1922),  Kindle  (1918),  Terasmae  (1960,  1965),  Wagner  (1958, 
1970),  Whittaker  (1922),  A.  E.  Wilson  (1956),  W.  J.  Wilson  (1898) 

Balanus  (Chirona)  Gray  Figure  18E-G 

In  this  subgenus  both  paries  and  radii  are  thin  and  solid.  Specimens  may  reach  a 

length  of  about  65  mm. 

SPECIES     Balanus  (Chirona)  hameri  (Ascanius) 

references     Ami  (1906),  Wagner  (1970),  Whittaker  (1922) 





Fig.  17 


Morphological  terms  applied  to  barnacles. 

A     1.   Rostrum,  2.   Rostrolateral,  3.   Lateral.  4.   Carinolateral,  5.  Carina. 

B     Compartment  with  ala  on  one  side  and  radius  on  the  other. 

C      1.  Scutum,  2.  Tergum. 



Isopoda  (Isopods)  Figure  19 

These  malacostracan  crustaceans  are  often,  but  not  always,  shrimplike.  The  isopod 
body  is  elongate,  flattened,  and  made  up  of  a  cephalon  with  seven  thoracic  and  six 
abdominal  somites.  The  last  abdominal  somite,  or  telson,  is  broad.  A  familiar 
terrestrial  member  of  this  group  is  the  sow-bug,  or  pill-bug,  common  under  leaves  or 
piles  of  decaying  vegetation.  Other  isopods  are  found  in  freshwater  or  marine 

Mesidotea  Richardson  Figure  19 

This  form  attains  a  length  of  about  120  mm.  The  first  thoracic  somite  envelopes  the 
cephalon  laterally;  the  other  thoracic  somites  are  folded  downwards  laterally.  The 
eyes  are  dorsal.  The  length  of  the  pleotelson  is  more  than  one  quarter  that  of  the  body. 
A  single  specimen  was  discovered  in  a  concretion  from  the  bank  of  the  Ottawa 
River  east  of  Ottawa. 
SPECIES  Mesidotea  sabini  Kroyer 
reference     Kindle  (1928) 

Asteroidea  (Starfish)  Figure  20 

These  echinoderms  have  relatively  broad,  hollow  arms  that  are  not  normally 
separated  from  the  central  disc.  The  number  of  arms  may  vary  from  five  to  many.  The 
arms  and  disc  have  a  skeleton  of  calcified  ossicles.  The  ossicles  frequently  bear 
spines  or  have  granules  distributed  over  the  surface.  There  is  an  ambulacral  groove  on 
the  oral  (downward-facing)  side  of  each  arm.  Asteroids  are  free-moving.  They  are 
capable  of  regenerating  an  arm  where  one  has  been  thrown  off  to  escape  capture. 
General  features  of  asteroids  are  depicted  in  Figure  20A. 

Crossaster  Muller  and  Troschel  Figure  20B 

In  this  genus  the  arms,  which  are  half  as  long  as  the  breadth  of  the  disc,  may  number 
as  many  as  15.  Individual  specimens  range  between  200  and  300  mm  in  diameter.  At 
the  points  of  union  of  the  ossicles  on  the  upper  (aboral)  surface  there  are  club-shaped 
tubercles  that  bear  smaller  spines,  giving  the  arms  a  distinctive  tufted  appearance. 

Starfish  remains  are  not  common.  Specimens  have  been  reported  only  from  Green 
Creek  in  Ontario  and  from  Montreal  in  Quebec.  No  specimen  of  C.  papposus  was 
available,  and  so  a  sketch  has  been  prepared. 

Fig.  18    Balanus  (Balanus)     Balanus  (Chirona) 
Balanus  (Balanus)  balanus  (Linne) 

A     Top  view  of  adult  specimen,  x  1,  GSC  20190,  Atlantic  Coast. 
B     Side  view  of  GSC  20190. 
Balanus  (Balanus)  crenatus  Bruguiere 

C     Top  view  of  cluster  of  three  individuals,  x  1,  GSC  20191,  Atlantic  Coast. 
D     Side  view  of  GSC  20191. 
Balanus  (Chirona)  hameri  (Ascanius) 
E     Side  view  of  adult  specimen  attached  to  a  wall  plate  of  another  individual  of  B. 

hameri,   x  1,  GSC  20192,  St-Philomene,  Quebec. 
F     An  opercular  plate  (scutum),  x  1,  GSC  55124,  Russell  County,  Ontario. 
G     A  wall  plate  (or  compartment),  x  1,  GSC  55125,  Russell  County,  Ontario. 


Fig.  19    Mesidotea 

Mesidotea  sabini  Kroyer 
Specimen  preserved  in  a 
concretion,  x  1,  gsc  9368, 
Ottawa  River,  east  of  Ottawa, 

SPECIES     Crossaster  papposus  (Linne) 

REFERENCES     Dawson  (1893),  Goldring  (1922),  Whiteaves  (1901) 

Ophiuroidea  (Brittlestars)  Figures  21  and  22 

Ophiuroids  are  related  to  the  starfish  but  are  distinct  in  that  the  arms  and  central  disc 
are  strongly  differentiated.  Also,  the  arms  are  slender  and  elongate.  An  individual 
may  throw  off  pieces  of  an  arm  or  may  completely  dismember  itself  without 
permanent  injury;  the  lost  parts  are  readily  reproduced.  Figure  21  illustrates  a  typical 

Four  genera  have  been  identified  from  the  Champlain  Sea,  only  two  of  which  have 
been  found  in  Ontario.  Isolated  ossicles  are  sometimes  found  in  the  silts  and  clays; 
more  complete  specimens  are  much  rarer. 



Fig.  20  Asteroidea     Crossaster 

A     Morphological  terms  applied  to  starfish  (oral  view). 

Crossaster  papposus  (Linne) 

B     Schematic  presentation  of  a  typical  specimen  (aboral  view). 


Fig.  21     Morphological  terms  applied  to  brittlestars  (oral  view). 



t  miu ffii i.      i.  m,«m.mimmMmm*iimmim 

«'■'  /Mi  t'/^t-Xr,      ... 

J 1 >         ,-  fll 

Fig.  22     Ophiura 

Ophiura  sarsi  Liitken 

Impression  in  clay,  x  3,  Ottawa,  Ontario. 


Ophiocoma  Agassiz 

This  genus  has  comparatively  stout  arms  that  are  widest  at  a  distance  away  from  the 
base.  The  arm  spines  are  long  and  solid  and  the  disc  is  granulate. 

Specimens  have  been  reported  from  several  Champlain  Sea  localities,  from  Quebec 
City  in  the  east  to  Ottawa  in  the  west,  but  none  was  identifiable  as  to  species. 
SPECIES     Ophiocoma  sp. 
references     Dawson  (1871,  1893) 

Ophiura  Lamarck  Figure  22 

The  central  disc  in  this  genus  is  covered  with  scales.  Rudimentary  dorsal  arm  plates 
fill  the  notches  around  the  edge  of  the  disc  at  the  bases  of  the  arms.  Ventral  shields  on 
the  arms  are  usually  triangular  and  are  more  broad  than  long.  Spines  on  the  arms  are 

The  genus  has  been  identified  from  Montreal  and  from  the  Ottawa  area;  specimens 
are  rare. 

SPECIES     Ophiura  sarsi  Liitken;  Ophiura  sp. 
references     J.  W.  Dawson  (1857),  Wagner  (1954) 

Polychaeta  (Polychaete  Worms)  Figure  23 

The  Annelida,  the  phylum  to  which  the  polychaete  worms  belong,  have  a  distinct 
head,  a  segmented  trunk,  and  an  unsegmented  pygidium.  In  the  class  Polychaeta  the 
trunk  segments  have  lateral  bundles  of  bristles  termed  chaetae.  The  chitinous  jaws  are 
distinctive  and  are  often  the  only  part  to  be  fossilized,  although  the  burrows  and 
calcareous  tubes  formed  by  some  families  are  also  preserved.  Most  of  these  worms 
are  marine,  with  a  comparatively  small  number  of  representatives  living  in  fresh  or 
brackish  waters. 

Two  of  the  three  genera  recognized  in  the  Champlain  Sea  deposits  have  been 
reported  from  Ontario. 

Nereis  Linne  Figure  23A 

Some  species  may  attain  a  length  of  450  mm  or  more;  the  species  N.  pelagica, 
recorded  only  from  Green  Creek,  reaches  a  maximum  of  about  125  mm  for  females 
and  50  mm  for  males.  The  first  segment  of  the  body  usually  has  four  tentacles  on 
each  side,  and  the  last  segment  has  a  pair  of  long  cirri  that  give  the  impression  of  a 
divided  tail. 

It  has  been  necessary  to  provide  a  sketch  for  this  genus. 
SPECIES    Nereis  pelagica  Linne 
REFERENCES     Dawson  (1891,  1893),  Goldring  (1922),  Whiteaves  (1901) 

Serpula  Linne  Figure  23B 

This  is  a  tube-building  polychaete.  The  irregularly  tapering  calcareous  tubes  are 
coiled  and  contorted  and  have  fine  concentric  ridges  on  the  surfaces.  They  are 
attached  at  the  lower  end,  usually  to  a  shell  or  rock,  and  are  more  or  less  erect  above 
their  point  of  attachment.  The  tubes  may  reach  a  length  of  about  100  mm. 

Only  two  localities  are  known  for  this  genus  in  Ontario,  both  in  the  Ottawa  district. 
Neither  specimen  was  available  for  illustration,  and  therefore  a  drawing  has  been 


SPECIES    Serpula  vermicularis  Linne 
references     Goldring  (1922),  Wagner  (1970) 

Fig.  23     Nereis     Serpula 

Nereis  pelagica  Linne 

A     Diagrammatic  presentation,  x  1. 

Serpula  vermicularis  Linne 

B     Diagrammatic  presentation  of  several  calcareous  tubes,  X  0.7. 



Chordata  Figures  24  to  32 

A  vertebrate  find  is  an  exciting  experience.  The  most  rewarding  locale  is  the  area 
between  Green  Creek  and  Hiawatha  Park  on  the  south  side  of  the  Ottawa  River, 
where  concretions  bearing  relatively  complete  fish  skeletons  are  commonly  eroded 
out  of  the  clays.  The  concretions  have  yielded  six  genera  of  fish  and,  as  well,  some 
limb  bones  and  part  of  the  lower  jaw  of  a  young  seal.  Seal  and  whale  bones  are  rare  in 
the  Champlain  Sea;  they  have  been  found  in  sand  and  gravel  deposits  near  Ottawa. 


Figure  24  illustrates  various  terms  related  to  fish  morphology. 


This  is  the  order  of  fish  to  which  the  capelin  and  smelts  belong.  They  have  a  short 
dorsal  fin,  the  base  of  which  is  shorter  than  one-third  of  the  total  length  of  the  body 
(the  total  body  length  is  the  distance  from  the  tip  of  the  snout  to  the  end  of  the 
vertebral  column).  The  dorsal  fin  is  situated  at  about  the  midpoint  of  the  body,  and 
the  base  of  the  pelvic  fin  is  below  the  dorsal  fin. 

Mallotus  Cuvier  Figure  25 

Capelin  may  grow  as  long  as  about  230  mm  but  are  usually  shorter.  The  body  is 
elongate  and  compressed.  The  length  of  the  head  (the  distance  from  the  tip  of  the 
snout  to  the  most  posterior  part  of  the  opercular  membrane)  is  about  one-quarter  of 
the  total  length.  The  dorsal  fin,  inserted  about  midway  between  the  snout  and  the  tip 
of  the  tail,  has  12  to  15  rays.  The  anal  fin,  with  18  to  23  rays,  has  a  longer  base  than 
that  of  the  dorsal  fin.  The  two  pelvic  fins  are  inserted  below  the  dorsal  fin,  and  the 




Fig.  24     Morphological  terms  applied  to  fish. 



pectoral  fins  are  just  behind  the  gill  openings.  The  pectoral  fins  are  broadly  based. 

The  scales  on  this  genus  are  small. 
Specimens  have  been  collected  from  the  Ottawa  River  drainage  area  above  Ottawa, 

as  well  as  from  the  classic  Green  Creek  locality. 

SPECIES     Mallotus  villosus  (Muller) 

REFERENCES  Ami  (1884,  1887,  1897,  1902),  Champagne,  Harington,  and 
McAllister  (1979),  Coleman  (1901b),  J.  W.  Dawson  (1871,  1878,  1891,  1893), 
Ells  (1907),  Goldring  (1922),  Harington  (1971,  1972,  1977),  Johnston  (1917), 
Lambe  (1914),  Leidy  (1856),  Logan  (1863),  Lyell  (1845),  McAllister,  Cumbaa, 
and  Harington  (1981),  Murray  (1852),  Wagner  (1970) 

Osmerus  Lacepede  Figure  26 

Smelts  are  slender  fish;  their  body  is  deepest  anterior  to  the  dorsal  fin  and  tapers 
towards  the  head  and  tail.  The  head  is  pointed,  with  the  lower  jaw  projecting  slightly 
beyond  the  upper.  Individuals  may  reach  a  length  of  350  mm,  but  most  range 
between  200  and  250  mm  in  length.  The  dorsal  fin,  with  9  to  1 1  rays,  is  situated  at 
about  the  middle  of  the  back;  this  fin  is  higher  than  long.  The  anal  fin  has  15  to  18 
rays  and  is  longer  than  it  is  high.  The  caudal  fin  is  deeply  forked.  Pectoral  fins  lie 
immediately  behind  the  gill  openings,  and  the  abdominally  placed  pelvic  fins  are 
below  the  anterior  part  of  the  dorsal  fin. 

Like  Mallotus,  Osmerus  has  been  found  in  a  concretion  from  Green  Creek.  In 
Osmerus  the  mouth  opening  extends  behind  the  eyes,  whereas  in  Mallotus  the  mouth 
extends  posteriorly  only  to  about  the  middle  of  the  eye.  There  are  also  differences  in 
the  numbers  of  the  rays  in  the  dorsal  and  anal  fins  and  in  body  proportions. 
SPECIES     Osmerus  mordax  (Mitchill) 
references     Champagne,  Harington,  and  McAllister  (1979),  Coleman  (1901b), 

J.  W.  Dawson  (1891,  1893),  Harington  (1971,  1972,  1977),  McAllister,  Cumbaa, 

and  Harington  (1981) 


Specimens  of  this  order  from  Ontario  are  of  the  tomcod  (genus  Microgadus). 

Microgadus  Gill  Figure  27A 

The  tomcod  is  slender,  reaching  a  maximum  length  of  about  300  mm.  The  mouth  is 
short  and  there  is  a  small  barbel  hanging  from  the  lower  jaw.  This  genus  differs  from 
most  in  having  three  dorsal  fins  rather  than  the  usual  two.  The  caudal  fin  is  rounded. 
The  anal  fin  is  divided  into  two  parts.  Pectoral  fins  reach  backwards  as  far  as  the  vent, 
but  the  pelvic  fins  below  them  are  shorter. 

Two  specimens  were  found  in  concretions  east  of  Ottawa  in   1979.  A  sketch 
illustrating  a  whole  fish  has  been  substituted  for  the  line  drawing  of  part  of  an 
individual  that  accompanied  the  report  of  the  presence  of  this  genus  in  Ontario. 
SPECIES     Microgadus  tomcod  Walbaum 
reference     McAllister,  Cumbaa,  and  Harington  (1981) 


Fish  belonging  to  this  order  are  usually  small,  150  mm  or  less  in  length.  The  dorsal, 
anal,  and  pelvic  fins  have  sharp  spines.  Sticklebacks  are  members  of  this  order. 


Fig.  25     M  allot  us 

Mallotus  villosus  (Miiller) 
Specimen  in  a  concretion,  x   1, 
GSC  6597a,  Green  Creek,  Ontario 

Fig.  26    Osmerus 

Osmerus  mordax  (Mitchill) 
Skeleton  preserved  in  a  concretion, 
x  1 . 1 ,  NMC  3580 1  B ,  Green  Creek 
area,  Ontario. 


Gasterosteus  Linne  Figure  27B 

Sticklebacks  have  a  rather  stout  body  with  a  very  slim  caudal  peduncle.  Maximum 
length  is  100  mm,  but  most  individuals  do  not  exceed  about  75  mm.  The  lower  jaw 
of  the  small  mouth  protrudes  beyond  the  upper.  A  characteristic  feature  is  the 
presence  of  three,  on  rare  occasion  four,  isolated  serrated  spines  in  front  of  the  dorsal 
fin.  The  dorsal  fin  has  10  to  14  (usually  12)  rays.  The  caudal  fin  is  truncate,  not 
forked.  Origin  of  the  anal  fin  is  behind  that  of  the  dorsal.  The  pelvic  fin  has  one  soft 
ray  plus  a  single  strong  spine,  and  the  pectoral  fins  are  large  and  are  situated  a  short 
distance  behind  the  gill  opening. 

The  concretions  of  Green  Creek  and  vicinity  have  provided  the  only  remains  of  this 
fish  known  in  the  Champlain  Sea  deposits. 
SPECIES     Gasterosteus  aculeatus  Linne;  Gasterosteus  sp. 

REFERENCES  Ami  (1902),  Champagne,  Harington,  and  McAllister  (1979),  Coleman 
(1901b),  J.  W.  Dawson  (1871,  1878,  1891,  1893),  Goldring  (1922),  Harington 
(1971,  1972,  1977),  McAllister,  Cumbaa,  and  Harington  (1981) 


Two  of  the  fish  identified  from  the  Champlain  Sea,  the  sculpins  (Artediellus)  and 
lumpsuckers  (Cyclopterus),  belong  to  this  large  order. 

Artediellus  Jordan 

The  body  is  elongate  but  stout.  Sculpins  are  generally  small,  and  the  possible  species 
from  the  concretions  does  not  reach  more  than  100  mm  in  length.  The  large  head, 
with  prominent  eyes  placed  high,  is  distinguished  by  a  long,  hooklike  spine  on  each 
cheek.  The  gill  coverings  end  in  a  covered  spine  high  on  each  side.  The  mouth  is 
terminal  and  ends  under  the  middle  of  the  eye.  Two  dorsal  fins  are  present:  a  soft 
anterior  one  beginning  over  the  gill  opening,  followed  by  a  spinous  one  with  12  to  14 
rays.  The  caudal  fin  is  small  and  spade-shaped.  The  anal  fin,  with  10  to  12  rays,  is 
situated  under  the  second  dorsal  fin.  The  pectoral  fins  are  large,  reach  back  as  far  as 
the  beginning  of  the  anal  fin,  and  have  20  to  22  rays.  The  long,  slender  pelvic  fins  are 
on  the  ventral  edge  under  the  forward  edge  of  the  pectorals. 

In  the  Champlain  Sea  deposits  Artediellus  has  been  found  only  in  the  Green  Creek 
area.  This  specimen  should  properly  be  referred  to  as  Artediellus  sp.  until  it  can  be 
confirmed  whether  it  is  A.   uncinatus  or  A.  atlanticus.  The  whereabouts  of  the 
specimen  is  unknown  and  no  illustration  was  available. 
SPECIES    Artediellus  sp.  [recorded  previously  as Cottus  sp.,  Cottus  uncinatus,  Cottus 

(Centrodermichthys)  uncinatus,  and  Artediellus  uncinatus  (Reinhardt)] 
REFERENCES     Ami  (1897,  1902),  Champagne,  Harington,  and  McAllister  (1979), 

Coleman  (1901b),  J.  W.  Dawson  (1878,   1891,   1893),  Harington  (1971,   1972, 

1977),   Johnston   (1917),   Logan  (1863),   McAllister,   Cumbaa,   and  Harington 


Cyclopterus  Linne 

The  lumpsucker  has  a  stout,  thick  body  with  a  small  head.  The  eye  is  small,  as  is  the 
mouth;  the  angle  of  the  mouth  is  in  front  of  the  eye.  Maximum  length  for  specimens 
of  the  species  from  the  Champlain  Sea,  as  recorded  by  J.  W.  Dawson  (1871),  is 
610  mm,  but  specimens  found  in  concretions  would  be  much  smaller  than  this.  The 
anterior  dorsal  fin  is  visible  only  in  small  specimens  (less  than  30  mm  long);  in  larger 
specimens  it  is  enclosed  in  a  hump  that  is  covered  in  hard,  wartlike  tubercles.  The 


Fig.  27     Microgadus     Gasterosteus 

Microgadus  tomcod  Linne 

A     Sketch  to  show  general  features  of  the  species. 

Gasterosteus  aculeatus  Linne 

B     Drawing  of  a  specimen  in  a  concretion,  from  J.  W.  Dawson  (1893),  x  0.6. 

posterior  dorsal  fin  has  10  or  1 1  rays  and  is  located  behind  the  hump.  The  caudal  fin  is 
slightly  rounded.  The  anal  fin,  with  9  to  1 1  rays,  is  below  the  posterior  dorsal  fin  and 
is  similar  in  size  to  it.  Pectoral  fins  are  large  and  extend  along  the  lower  two-thirds  of 
the  gill  opening;  they  have  20  or  21  rays.  Pelvic  fins,  situated  on  the  ventral  side 
between  the  bases  of  the  pectorals,  are  reduced  to  fleshy  knobs,  which,  with  a 
surrounding  circular  flap  of  skin,  form  sucking  discs,  a  feature  not  likely  to  be 
preserved  in  fossil  specimens. 

Like  the  other  genera  of  fish,  Cyclopterus  has  been  identified  from  a  concretion 
from  Green  Creek.  The  whereabouts  of  this  specimen  is  unknown  and  no  illustration 
was  available. 

SPECIES     Cyclopterus  lumpus  Linne  [one  early  record  shows  it  as  Cyclopteris] 
references     Ami  (1884,  1897),  Champagne,  Harington,  and  McAllister  (1979), 

Coleman  (1901b),  Dawson  (1871,  1878,  1891,  1893),  Goldring  (1922),  Harington 

(1971,    1972,    1977),  Leidy  (1856),  Logan  (1863),  McAllister,  Cumbaa,  and 

Harington  (1981),  Murray  (1852) 


Two  orders  of  marine  mammals,  namely  Cetacea  (whales)  and  Pinnipedia  (seals),  are 
represented.   Most  finds  have   been  of  isolated  bones  or  incomplete  skeletons, 


although  essentially  complete  seal  skeletons  were  found  at  Montreal  and  Tetreauville, 
Quebec,  and  whale  skeletons  were  unearthed  at  Cornwall,  Ontario,  and  Daveluyville, 

Identification  of  bones  would  need  the  services  of  an  expert,  and  I  will  not  attempt 
to  describe  whale  and  seal  skeletons  here.  The  larger  museums  [Royal  Ontario 
Museum  (ROM)  in  Toronto  and  the  National  Museum  of  Natural  History  (nmc)  in 
Ottawa]  have  vertebrate  palaeontologists  on  staff,  and  vertebrate  specialists  may  be 
contacted  in  some  of  the  universities  in  the  province. 


Delphinapterus  Lacepede  Figure  28 

This  is  the  white  whale,  or  beluga,  a  small  whale  that  may  reach  a  length  of  5  m  but 
that  usually  has  a  maximum  length  between  3  and  4  m.  White  whales  are  common  on 
the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence  at  present  and  often  travel  up  the  St.  Lawrence  River  as  far 
as  Quebec  City.  Bones  have  been  found  in  the  Champlain  Sea  sands  in  the  vicinity  of 
Ottawa  (Jock  River,  Ottawa  East,  Rideau  Junction,  Uplands)  and  at  Pakenham, 
Cornwall,  and  Williamstown. 
SPECIES     Delphinapterus    leucas    Pallas    [recorded    as  Beluga    catodon.    Beluga 

vermontana,   Delphinapterus   catodon,   Delphinapterus   {Beluga)  catodon,    and 

Delphinapterus  vermontanus  ] 
references     Billings  (1870),  Coleman  (1901a),  J.  W.  Dawson  (1871,  1893),  Dyck 

et   al.    (1966),   Harington   (1971,    1972,    1977,    1981),   Lambe   (1910,    1914), 

Laverdiere  (1950),  Lowdon  and  Blake  (1979),  Perkins  (1908),  Selwyn  (1872), 

Sternberg  (1951),  Whiteaves  (1907) 

Megaptera  Gray 

Part  of  a  skeleton  of  a  humpback  whale  was  found  in  a  gravel  pit  at  an  elevation  of 
about  128  m  (420  ft)  at  Warwick,  near  Smiths  Falls,  Ontario,  in  1882.  The  female 
humpback  whale  averages  about  15  m  in  length;  males  are  smaller. 
SPECIES     Megaptera  novaeangliae  Borowski  [M.  longimana  Gray  is  a  synonym] 
REFERENCES     Coleman  (1901a,  1901b,  1941),  J.  W.  Dawson  (1883a,  1883b,  1893), 
Harington  (1971,  1972,  1977,  1981),  Laverdiere  (1950) 

Balaena  Linne  Figure  29 

A  characteristic  of  the  bowhead  whale  is  that  the  length  of  its  head  is  more  than 

one-third  that  of  its  body.  Total  length  is  about  20  m.  The  baleen  plates,  of  which 

there  are  approximately  360  on  each  side  of  the  mouth,  measure  35  cm  wide  by  3  m 

long.  Bones  of  a  right  pectoral  flipper,  ribs,  and  part  of  a  jaw,  all  probably  from  one 

individual,  were  collected  near  White  Lake,  Ontario. 

SPECIES     Balaena  mysticetus  Linne 

REFERENCES     Harington  (1977,  1981),  Lowdon  and  Blake  (1979) 


Phoca  Linne 

This  is  a  genus  of  aquatic  mammals  in  which  the  limbs  have  developed  as  flippers. 
Generally  the  females  are  much  smaller  than  the  males.  Two  subgenera  are 
represented  in  the  Champlain  Sea. 



Fig.  28    Delphinapterus 

Delphinapterus  leucas  Pallas 

Cranium  (top  view  showing  blow  hole)  and  mandibles,   x  0.3,  NMC  21336,  near 

Pakenham,  Ontario. 


Fig.  29    Balaena 

Balaena  mysticetus  Linne 

Right  humerus,  x  0.3,  NMC  29414,  near  White  Lake,  Renfrew  area,  Ontario. 


Phoca  (Pagophilus)  Gray  Figure  30 

Harp  seals  attain  a  maximum  length  of  just  under  2  m.  Isolated  bones  that  may  be  of 
this  genus  have  been  reported  from  the  clays  in  and  around  Ottawa.   The  only 
specimen  that  can  be  referred  definitely  to  a  harp  seal  is  part  of  the  lower  jaw  of  a 
young  individual  preserved  in  a  concretion  at  Green  Creek. 
SPECIES     Phoca  (Pagophilus)  groenlandica  (Erxleben)  [listed  in  earlier  records  as 

Phoca  groenlandica,  Pagophilus  groenlandicus ,  and  Phoca  sp.] 
references     Ami  (1884,   1892,   1897,   1902),  Coleman  (1910b),  J.  W.  Dawson 

(1878,   1893),  Grant  (1883),  Harington  (1971,   1972,   1977,   1981),  Laverdiere 

(1950),  Sternberg  (1951) 

Phoca  (Pusa)  Scopoli  Figure  31 

The  ringed  seal  is  the  smallest  of  the  pinnipeds,  with  an  average  length  of  1.4  m.  At 
present,  it  is  seldom  found  south  of  the  Strait  of  Belle  Isle.  A  single  bone  was  found 
in  1975,  in  a  sand  pit  near  Uplands  (now  Ottawa  International)  Airport,  Ottawa. 
However,  the  almost  complete  specimen  from  Tetreauville  (now  in  the  western  part 
of  Hull),  Quebec,  is  much  more  impressive  and  has  therefore  been  used  to  illustrate 
this  form. 

SPECIES     Phoca  hispida  Schreber 
reference     Harington  (1977,  1981) 

Erignathus  Gill  Figure  32 

Bearded  seals  reach  a  maximum  length  of  just  under  2  m  when  adult.  These  seals 
usually  feed  in  shallow  water,  and  molluscs  form  an  important  part  of  their  diet.  Part 
of  a  cranium,  minus  teeth,  was  collected  near  Finch,  Ontario. 
SPECIES     Erignathus  barbatus  Erxleben 
references     Harington  (1977,  1981) 


Fig.  30    Phoca  (Pagophilus) 

Phoca  (Pagophilus)  groenlandica  (Erxleben) 

Drawing  of  a  part  of  the  lower  jaw  of  a  young  harp  seal  in  a  concretion  from  Green 

Creek,  from  J.  W.  Dawson  (1893). 

Fig.  31     Phoca  (Pusa) 

Phoca  (Pusa)  hispida  Schreber 

Ringed  seal  skeleton  (NMC  6830)  on  display  in  the  National  Museum  of  Natural 
Sciences,  Ottawa.  Specimen  from  Tetreauville,  in  the  western  part  of  Hull,  Quebec. 
NMC  Photo  72-1540. 


Fig.  32    Erignathus 

Erignathus  barbatus  Erxleben 

View  of  top  of  skull,  x  0.8,  ROM  985,  near  Finch,  Ontario.  NMC  Photo  75-5772. 


Nonmarine  Species 

Figure  33 

Concretions  from  the  Green  Creek  deposits  have  yielded  a  number  of  species  of 
nonmarine  origin  (both  fauna  and  flora),  suggesting  that,  at  this  point  in  time,  the  area 
formed  the  margin  of  the  retreating  Champlain  Sea.  Among  the  species  identified  are 
insects,  freshwater  fish,  a  small  terrestrial  mammal,  birds  (several  feathers 
discovered,  Fig.  33A),  and  a  variety  of  plants  (Fig.  33B).  Although  these  are  not 
species  that  owed  their  presence  to  the  Champlain  Sea,  they  are  ones  that  apparently 
had  become  fossilized  in  the  marginal  environment  of  the  sea.  The  most 
comprehensive  list  is  given  by  Ami  (1902).  Harington  (1971,  1972,  1978)  and 
Harington  and  Occhietti  (1980)  mention  the  more  recent  discoveries. 

A  paper  by  Gadd  (1980)  gives  an  up-to-date  discussion  of  the  conglomeration  of 
marine,  freshwater,  and  terrestrial  species  found  in  the  concretions  at  Green  Creek 
and  vicinity,  and  of  their  possible  relative  ages. 


Trichoptera  (caddisflies) 
Phryganea  ejecta  Scudder     Ami  (1902),  Coleman  (1932) 

Coleoptera  (beetles) 

Tenebrio  calculensis  Scudder     Ami  (1902),  Coleman  (1932),  Scudder  (1895) 
Fornax  ledensis  Scudder     Ami  (1902),  Coleman  (1932),  J.  W.  Dawson  (1893), 
Scudder (1895) 
Byrrhus  ottawensis  Scudder     Ami  (1902),  Coleman  (1932),  Scudder  (1895) 

Pisces  (freshwater  fish) 
Myoxocephalus  thompsoni  (Girard)  [deepwater  sculpin]  Champagne,  Harington, 
and  McAllister  (1979),  McAllister,  Cumbaa,  and  Harington  (1981) 
Salvelinus     {Cristivomer)    namaycush     (Walbaum)     [lake    char]    Champagne, 
Harington,  and  McAllister  (1979),  Harington  (1971,   1972,   1978),  McAllister, 
Cumbaa,  and  Harington  (1981) 

Coregonus  cf.  C.  artedii  Le  Sueur  [cisco]  McAllister,  Cumbaa,  and  Harington 


Martes  americana  (Turton)  [marten]  Harington  (1971,  1972) 


Feathers  of  "small  wading  birds",  according  to  J.  W.  Dawson,  plus  a  single  bird 
vertebra  from  the  sands  near  Uplands  (now  Ottawa  International)  Airport,  Ontario. 
J.  W.  Dawson  (1893),  Harington  (1971,  1972,  1978),  Harington  and  Occhietti 


Fig.  33     Nonmarine  fossils 

A     Impression  of  a  feather  in  a  concretion,  x  1,  GSC  6600,  Green  Creek,  Ontario. 
B     Leaf  impression  in  a  concretion,  x  1,  GSC  32381,  Green  Creek,  Ontario. 

Plantae  (listed  alphabetically) 

Ami  (1902),  J.  W.  Dawson  (1893),  Penhallow  (1900) 

Descriptions  and  illustrations  of  species  for  which  common  names  are  given  can  be 

found  in  McKay  and  Catling  (1979)  or  Niering  and  Olmstead  (1979).  Names,  and 


therefore  identity,  of  the  other  plants  could  not  be  confirmed. 
Acer  saccharinum  (silver  maple) 
Acer  spicata  (mountain  maple) 
Algae  spp. 
Alnus  sp.  (alder) 

Arctostaphvlos  uva-ursi  (bearberry) 

Betula  lutea  (yellow  birch  —  now  known  as  B.  alleghaniensis) 
Brasenia  peltata 
Bromus  ciliatus     ? 
Carex  magellanica 
Carices  or  Gramineae  spp. 
Cyperaceae  (sedges) 

Drosera  rotundifolia  (round-leaved  sundew) 

Elodea  canadensis  [=Anacharis  canadensis]  (common  waterweed) 
Encyonema  prostratum     ? 
Equisetum  limosum     ? 
Equisetum  scirpoides     ? 
Equisetum  sylvaticum  (woodland  horsetail) 
Fontinalis  sp. 
Fucus  digitatus 
Fucus  sp.  or  Ulva  sp. 

Gaylussacia  resinosa  [=G.  baccata]  (black  huckleberry) 
Gaylussacia  sp.  (huckleberry) 
Hypnum  fluitans 
Graminea  resinosa     ? 
Oryzopsis  asperifolia 
Populus  balsamifera  (balsam  poplar) 
Populus  grandidentata  (large-toothed  aspen) 
Potamogeton  natans 
Potamogeton  pectinatus     ? 
Potamogeton  perfoliatus     ? 
Potamogeton  pusillus     ? 
Potamogeton  rutilans 
Potentilla  anserina  (silverweed) 
Potentilla  canadensis  (Canadian  dwarf  cinquefoil) 
Potentilla  norvegica  (rough  cinquefoil) 
Potentilla  tridentata 
Thuja  occidentalis  (eastern  white  cedar) 
Trifolium  repens  (white  clover) 
Typha  latifolia  (common  cattail) 
Valisneria  spiralis     ? 
Valisneria  sp.  (tape  grass) 


Repositories  of  Illustrated  Specimens 

GSC  Geological  Survey  of  Canada 
NMC  National  Museums  of  Canada 
ROM  Royal  Ontario  Museum 


Glossary  of  Morphological  Terms 

abaxial  (Gastropoda) — outwards  away  from  the  shell  axis. 

adapical  (Gastropoda) — towards  the  apex  of  the  shell,  along  the  axis  or  slightly 

oblique  to  the  axis. 

adaxial  (Gastropoda) — inwards  towards  the  shell  axis. 

adductor  muscle  (Pelecypoda) — a  muscle,  commonly  one  of  two,  connecting  the 

two  valves  and  tending  to  draw  them  together. 

ambulacral  groove  (Asteroidea) — an  axial  depression  along  the  oral  surface  of  the 

arm  and  covered  by  a  series  of  ambulacral  ossicles. 

ambulacrum  (Asteroidea) — one  of  the  radial  areas  bearing  the  tubular  protrusion  by 

which  locomotion  is  accomplished. 

anal  fin  (Pisces) — a  median  unpaired  fin  on  the  ventral  margin  between  the  anus  and 

the  caudal  fin. 

anterior  canal  (Gastropoda) — see  siphonal  canal. 

anteroposterior  (Pelecypoda) — in  a  front-to-back  direction. 

aperture  (Gastropoda) — an  opening  at  the  last-formed  margin  of  the  shell,  providing 

an  outlet  for  the  head  and  foot. 

apex  (Gastropoda) — top  of  the  shell. 

apical  (Gastropoda) — referring  to  the  apex. 

aster  (Porifera) — microsclere  rays  diverging  from  a  central  point. 

avicularium  (Bryozoa) — a  specialized  zooid  with  smaller  polypide  but  with  strong 

muscles  that  operate  a  mandiblelike  operculum;  resembles  the  head  of  a  bird. 

axial  (Gastropoda) — parallel  or  subparallel  with  the  axis  of  the  shell. 

axis  (Gastropoda) — an  imaginary  line  through  the  apex  of  the  shell  and  about  which 

the  whorls  are  coiled. 

baleen  (Cetacea) — one  of  the  fibrous  plates  in  the  mouth  through  which  food  is 


barbel  (Pisces) — a  slender,  whiskerlike  tendril  on  the  head  of  certain  fishes. 

basis;  pi.  bases  (Cirripedia) — a  calcareous  or  membraneous  plate  serving  to  attach 

the  barnacle  to  the  substrate  or  to  a  foreign  body. 

beak  (Pelecypoda) — a  noselike  angle  located  along  or  above  the  hinge  margin  and 

marking  the  point  where  growth  of  the  shell  started. 

calcareous  (general) — composed  of  calcium  carbonate. 

callus  (Gastropoda) — a  smooth,  shelly  layer  on  the  parietal  region  or  extending  from 

the  inner  lip  over  the  base  or  into  the  umbilicus. 

cardelle  (Bryozoa) — same  as  condyle. 

cardinal  tooth  (Pelecypoda) — a  hinge  tooth  situated  close  to  the  beak. 

carina  (Cirripedia) — a  single  compartment  plate  situated  at  the  end  of  the  shell  where 

the  cirri  are  protruded. 

caudal  fin  (Pisces) — a  terminal  vertical  fin;  tail. 


caudal  peduncle  (Pisces) — a  slender  posterior  portion  of  the  body  situated  between 

the  anal  and  caudal  fins. 

centrum  (Porifera) — the  middle  part  of  a  spicule  from  which  rays  diverge  irregularly. 

cephalon  (Isopoda) — head. 

chaeta;  pi.  chaetae  (Polychaeta) — a  bristle. 

chamber  (Porifera) — a  cavity  containing  the  operative  flagellate  cells. 

chitinous  (Polychaeta) — horny. 

chondrophore  (Pelecypoda) — a  process  with  a  hollowed-out  surface  for  attachment 

of  the  internal  ligament. 

cirrus;  pi.  cirri  (Polychaeta) — a  filament. 

collabral  (Gastropoda) — conforming  to  the  shape  of  the  outer  lip,  as  shown  by 

growth  lines. 

columella  (Gastropoda) — a  solid  or  hollow  pillar  surrounding  the  axis  of  a  coiled 

shell  and  formed  by  the  adaxial  walls  of  the  whorls. 

concentric  (Pelecypoda) — having  a  direction  coinciding  with  that  of  the  growth 


condyle  (Bryozoa) — a  rounded  protuberance  for  hingement  of  the  operculum. 

corneous  (Gastropoda) — consisting  of  a  horny  substance. 

crenate  (Pelecypoda) — with  notches  along  the  edge  or  crest  (as  of  ribs). 

crenulate  (Pelecypoda) — minutely  crenate. 

disc  (Asteroidea,  Ophiuroidea) — the  central  part  of  the  body,  more  or  less  distinctly 

separable  from  the  arms. 

dorsal  (Pelecypoda) — referring  to  the  region  of  the  hinge. 

dorsal  fin  (Pisces) — a  fin  developed  on  the  back. 

edentulous  (Pelecypoda) — lacking  hinge  teeth. 

euaster  (Porifera) — an  aster  lacking  a  centrum. 

foliate  (Bryozoa) — of  thin,  leaflike  layers. 

fusiform  (Gastropoda) — a  slender  spindle  shape  tapering  almost  equally  towards 

both  ends. 

globose  (Gastropoda) — more  or  less  spherical,  rounded. 

groove  (Asteroidea)— see  ambulacra!  groove. 

growth  line  (Pelecypoda,  Gastropoda) — a  line  on  the  surface  of  the  shell  marking  the 

position  of  the  shell  margin  at  some  stage  of  growth. 

helicocone  (Gastropoda) — a  distally  expanding  coiled  tube  that  forms  most  gastropod 


hinge  plate  (Pelecypoda) — a  shelly  internal  platform  bearing  hinge  teeth  and  situated 

below  the  beak,  adjacent  to  parts  of  the  dorsal  margin. 

hinge  tooth  (Pelecypoda) — a  shelly  structure,  usually  one  of  a  series,  adjacent  to  the 

dorsal  margin,  and  received  by  a  socket  in  the  opposite  valve;  hinge  teeth  serve  to 

hold  the  closed  valves  in  position. 

imperforate  (Bryozoa) — lacking  perforations. 

infaunal  (Pelecypoda) — living  burrowed  into  the  substrate. 

inner  lip  (Gastropoda) — the  adaxial  margin  of  the  shell  aperture,  extending  from  the 

foot  of  the  columella  to  the  suture. 


involute  (Gastropoda) — having  the  last  whorl  enveloping  the  earlier  ones,  so  that  the 

height  of  the  aperture  corresponds  to  the  height  of  the  shell. 

ligament  (Pelecypoda) — a  horny,  elastic  structure,  or  structures,  joining  the  two 

valves  of  the  shell  dorsally  and  serving  as  a  spring,  causing  the  valves  to  open  when 

the  adductor  muscles  relax. 

longitudinal  septum  (Cirripedia) — a  wall  of  tubes  disposed  at  right  angles  to  the 

inner  and  outer  laminae  of  the  compartment  plate  and  separating  them. 

lunule  (Pelecypoda) — a  depression,  commonly  heart-shaped,  situated  anterior  to  the 

beaks  in  many  bivalves. 

megasclere  (Porifera) — a  spicule   that   is  an  element  of  the  framework  of  the 


microsclere  (Porifera) — a  spicule  that  is  loose  in  the  flesh  and  does  not  form  a  part  of 

the  skeletal  framework;  microscleres  are  rare  in  fossils. 

nacreous  (Gastropoda,  Pelecypoda)— lustrous,  pearly. 

opercular  membrane  (Pisces) — a  gill  cover. 

opercular  valve  (Cirripedia) — a  moveable  plate  in  the  orifice. 

operculum   (Bryozoa) — a   small   calcareous  or  chitinous   lamina   articulating  on 

condyles  (cardelles)  that  project  from  the  edge  of  the  orifice. 

operculum  (Gastropoda) — a  corneous  or  calcareous  structure  borne  by  the  foot  and 

serving  for  closure,  wholly  or  in  part,  of  the  aperture. 

opisthogyrate  (Pelecypoda) — curved  so  that  the  beaks  point  posteriorly;  a  term 

applied  to  the  umbones. 

oral  (Asteroidea,  Ophiuroidea) — referring  to  the  surface  of  the  animal  that  contains 

the  mouth  and  that  is  directed  downwards. 

orifice  (Bryozoa) — the  primary  opening  of  the  zooecium,  for  extrusion  of  the 


orifice  (Cirripedia) — an  opening  in  the  upper  part  of  the  barnacle  shell,  containing  the 

opercular  valves. 

ossicle  (Asteroidea,  Ophiuroidea) — any  individual  calcified  element  of  the  skeleton, 

usually  referring  to  the  larger  of  such  elements. 

outer  lip  (Gastropoda) — abaxial  margin  of  the  aperture,  extending  from  the  suture  to 

the  foot  of  the  columella. 

ovate  (Pelecypoda) — shaped  like  the  longitudinal  section  of  an  egg. 

ovicell    (Bryozoa) — any    structure    serving    to    contain    the    larvae    during    their 


pallial  line  (Pelecypoda) — a  line  or  narrow  band  on  the  interior  of  the  valve,  close  to 

the  margin,  and  marking  the  line  of  attachment  of  the  marginal  muscles  of  the  mantle. 

pallial  sinus  (Pelecypoda) — an  embayment  of  the  pallial  line,  forming  the  line  of 

attachment  of  the  siphonal  retractor  muscle. 

paries;  pi.  parietes  (Cirripedia) — the  median,  triangular  part  of  the  compartment 

(wall)  plate,  with  the  lower  edge  attached  to  the  basis. 

parietal  region  (Gastropoda) — an  area  of  the  basal  surface  of  the  helicocone,  just 

inside  and  just  outside  the  aperture. 

parietal  tube  (Cirripedia) — one  of  the  myriad  porelike  canals  in  the  longitudinal 



pectoral  fin  (Pisces) — either  of  a  pair  of  fins  usually  situated  behind  the  head,  one  on 

each  side;  pectoral  fins  correspond  to  the  forelimbs  of  higher  vertebrates. 

pellucid  (Conchostraca) — translucent . 

pelvic  fin  (Pisces) — either  of  a  pair  of  fins  on  the  lower  surface  of  the  body;  these  fins 

correspond  to  the  hind  limbs  of  higher  vertebrates. 

perforate  (Gastropoda) — with  a  cavity  or  depression. 

periostracum  (Pelecypoda) — a  thin  coat  of  horny  material  that  covers  the  exterior  of 

the  calcareous  shell. 

peristome  (Gastropoda) — the  margin  of  the  aperture. 

pleotelson  (Isopoda)— a  structure  formed  by  the  fusion  of  one  or  more  abdominal 

somites  with  the  telson. 

polypide  (Bryozoa) — the  soft  parts  of  the  zooid. 

porcellaneous  (Pelecypoda) — of  translucent,  porcelainlike  appearance. 

pseudocardinal  (Pelecypoda) — an  irregularly  formed  tooth  situated  close  to  the 


punctations  (Gastropoda) — minute  pits. 

pygidium  (Polychaetia) — tail  section. 

quadrate  (Pelecypoda) — square,  or  almost  so. 

radial  (Pelecypoda) — a  direction  of  growth  outwards  from  the  beak,  commonly 

indicated  by  the  direction  of  ornamentaiton. 

radiate  (Porifera) — with  spicules  radiating  outwards  from  a  central  point. 

radius;  pi.  radii  (Cirripedia) — the  lateral  part  of  a  compartment  plate  adjoining  the 

paries  and  marked  off  from  it  by  a  change  in  the  direction  of  growth  lines  and  by  a 

depressed  exterior  surface. 

resilifer  (Pelecypoda) — a  recess  or  process  for  the  attachment  of  an  internal  ligament. 

reticulate    (Gastropoda) — ornamentation    consisting   of   a    network    of  obliquely 

intersecting  linear  ridges. 

rib  (Gastropoda) — a  round-topped  elevation  of  moderate  width  and  prominence, 

disposed  collabrally  on  the  shell  surface. 

rostrate  (Pelecypoda) — having  a  pointed,  beaklike  posterior  end. 

shoulder  (Gastropoda) — angulation  on  the  whorl  forming  the  abaxial  edge  of  the 

sutural  ramp  or  shelf. 

siphonal  canal  (Gastropoda) — a  tubular  or  troughlike  extension  of  the  anterior 

(abapical)  part  of  the  apertural  margin. 

somite  (Isopoda) — a  division  of  the  body  in  the  cephalon,  thorax,  and  abdomen;  the 

exoskeleton  of  each  somite  comprises  a  body-ring  that  is  generally  divisible  into  a 

dorsal  and  a  ventral  portion. 

sphaeraster  (Porifera) — an  aster  with  a  globular  centrum. 

spicule  (Porifera) — a  unit  of  the  mineral  skeleton  of  a  sponge. 

spiral  (Gastropoda) — as  applied  to  ornamentation,  passing  continuously  round  the 

whorls  almost  parallel  with  the  suture. 

spire  (Gastropoda) — the  adapical,  visible  part  of  all  the  whorls  exclusive  of  the  last 

(or  body)  whorl. 

spongin  (Porifera) — an  organic,  tough,  flexible  material  related  chemically  to  horn 

and  hair. 


stria;  pi.  striae  (Pelecypoda) — a  narrow  linear  furrow  or  raised  line  on  the  surface  of 

the  shell. 

striate  (Gastropoda) — with  a  narrowly  incised  shallow  groove,  or  grooves. 

strongyle  (Porifera) — a  type  of  megasclere  with  a  single  axis  and  with  both  ends 

bluntly  rounded. 

subglobose  (Gastropoda) — almost  rounded. 

substrate — the  base  or  material  on,  or  in,  which  an  organism  lives. 

sutural  shelf  (Gastropoda) — a  horizontal  flattened  band  in  some  shells  that  adjoins 

the  adapical  suture  of  the  whorls. 

suture  (Gastropoda) — a  continuous  line  on  the  shell  surface,  where  the  whorls 


taxodont  (Pelecypoda) — with  numerous,  short  hinge  teeth,  some  or  all  of  which  are 

transverse  to  the  hinge  margin. 

telson  (Isopoda) — the  last  somite  of  the  body;  tail. 

trapezoidal  (Pelecypoda) — with  four  straight  sides,  no  two  of  which  are  parallel. 

trigonal  (Pelecypoda) — three-sided. 

trochiform  (Gastropoda) — with  a  flat-sided  conical  spire  and  an  almost  flat  base. 

umbilicus  (Gastropoda) — a  cavity  or  depression  formed  round  the  shell  axis  between 

the  faces  of  the  adaxial  walls  of  the  whorls  where  these  do  not  coalesce  to  form  a  solid 


umbo  (Conchostraca) — the  apical  portion  of  either  valve. 

umbo;  pi.  umbones  (Pelecypoda) — the  region  of  the  valve  surrounding  the  point  of 

maximum  curvature  of  the  longitudinal  dorsal  profile  and  extending  to  the  beak  when 

not  coinciding  with  it. 

valve  (Pelecypoda) — one  of  the  calcareous  structures  (two  in  most  pelecypods)  of 

which  the  shell  consists. 

ventral  shield  (Ophiuroidea) — an  ossicle  of  secondary  origin  on  the  oral  side  of  the 


whorl  (Gastropoda) — any  complete  coil  of  the  helicocone. 

zoarium  (Bryozoa) — an  assemblage  of  many  zooids  forming  a  bryozoan  colony. 

zooecium  (Bryozoa) — a  chitinous,  double-walled  sac,  chamber,  or  tube  containing 

the  soft  parts  or  polypide. 

zooid  (Bryozoa) — a  single  bryozoan  animal,  consisting  of  soft  parts  and  a  skeleton. 


Literature  Cited 


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ISBN  0-88854-295-X 
ISSN  0082-5093